The eight rules video "You don’t have to, you can" tells you to be yourself in such a simple life.

  CCTV News:On December 4th, five years ago, the the Political Bureau of the Communist Party of China (CPC) Central Committee meeting deliberated and passed the Eight Provisions of the Political Bureau of the Central Committee on Improving Work Style and Keeping Close Contact with the Masses. Since then, the Eight Provisions have gradually become household names, such as "improving investigation and study, streamlining meeting activities, streamlining document briefings, standardizing visiting activities, improving security work, improving news reports, strictly publishing manuscripts, and practicing thrift".

  Eight regulations video launch

  CPC Central Commission for Discipline Inspection website recently launched a video called "You don’t have to, you can":You don’t have to be busy socializing after work, go home drunk, and your family is asleep, and no one even says a word; You don’t have to think about who to give gifts to, what to send, and how to send them on holidays; You don’t have to hand over a pack of cigarettes, send a bottle of wine, or treat people to dinner, but you can get things done. You can spend more time reading, running and spending time with your family. You can simply live and be yourself.In addition, the website of the Supervision Department of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection has recently produced and launched a set of theme expression packs, totaling 16, to publicize the spirit of the eight regulations in a way that netizens like. It can be said,The implementation of the eight regulations for five years has changed China, and also changed your life and mine.

  Eight regulations: heavy containment of strong pressure and long shock

  Five years ago, on December 4, the eight central regulations on improving work style and keeping close contact with the masses were promulgated, which broke the problem of comprehensively and strictly administering the party. five年来,各级纪检监察机关以问题为导向,从人民群众反映强烈的违规公款吃喝、公款旅游、大办婚丧喜庆事宜等具体问题抓起,紧盯节点,从月饼粽子、烟花爆竹、贺卡挂历等“小事小节”入手,严肃整治“舌尖上的浪费”“会所中的歪风”“车轮上的铺张”“节日中的腐败”,深入治理潜入培训疗养机构吃喝玩乐、高档小区“一桌餐”、调研考察搭车旅游等隐形变异“四风”问题,着力发现和纠正以会议、文件或口号落实中央重大决策部署、乱作为、不担当等形式主义和官僚主义突出问题。


  清华大学廉政与治理研究中心主任 过勇:“露头就打,严惩不贷,使得党风政风,包括带动社会风气发生了根本性的转变。”
