Can the sub-class economy achieve new opportunities from the beginning of the child, and then become a dating software?

Original Wang Yingli Kuaiwan Thinking

Tips: This article is about 3,620 words, and it takes 10 minutes to burn your brain. Wang Yingli, a journalist who plays chopsticks, sent it in Beijing.

Carpooling, maps, group buying, take-away, e-commerce, chatting, learning, games, music, reading, payment … Any new thing, if it can become the living habit of most people, will create a new platform opportunity.

Whether the catering and catering economy can become new platform opportunities depends on the flow, irreplaceable demand, capital operation and liquidity, etc. From the perspective of applet and App, the sub-category application did have corresponding platform construction earlier.

Previously, in the article "",some fans left a message that the economy will probably deteriorate in the end.

In fact, from the perspective of apps such as partners and rice friends, they have indeed become chat and dating software in the name of (rice) partners.

Chopsticks Playing Thinking ( This article analyzes whether the (rice) partner can become a platform opportunity, but also needs to consider the practical problems. Why does the (rice) partner App deteriorate in the end?

Why do young people need partners?

Tik Tok, Xiaohongshu, Weibo and other platforms have millions and tens of millions of traffic about the content and topics of the partner, and the highest even reaches tens of billions of broadcasts. Young people’s main demand for partners is diet, and rice partners are the most common combination. However, no matter whether they are qualified partners or normal modern people, anyone’s demand is not limited to eating, except diet, travel, script killing, swimming, fitness, reading, and even fishing at work, it can be said that everything can be built.

Don’t think that it’s just young people who are keen on taking partners. According to the 2023 Social Research Report on Taking Partners, the number one job is civil servants, as well as retired people and students at school. Taking partners is not only for young people, but also for office workers and silver-haired people.

Interestingly, the report data shows that women need partners more than men, and it can even be said that partners are dominated by women’s economy.

The author has previously gone deep into the rice partner group and experienced four facts:

1) Partners are not only single people, but also couples and married people have additional needs, such as attending multi-person dinners and script killings.

2) Partner is not only a hobby to push, but some people look for partners just for curiosity or to pass the time.

3), partners are not to make friends, some partners are to have no human burden when having fun, and in group chat, the habit of not adding is set for most partners. For example, some couples traveled by car together for seven days, and when they came back, they not only didn’t know each other’s names (communicated by their net names), but even didn’t add WeChat (had group chats), focusing on a chance meeting, but the origin was together and the fate was separated.

4) You don’t have to meet each other. It’s also a sub-category game to supervise each other’s fitness and eating in the group.

From a realistic point of view, the partners’ interests are very strange. Some of them ask each other for self-study, walk the dog, stay in a daze, Pinduoduo cut a knife, or a few introverted people go out to walk in the street together. Even many couples have half-price meals and second cups. The partners only talk about companionship and AA system, and don’t talk about feelings at all.

Judging from the Baidu index chart, contemporary people’s demand for activities is stronger than that for parties and socializing, and the index of parties and activities has been rising for a long time (just to play for fun, not to play for socializing). For the behavior of partners, it emphasizes activities, but it is also related to parties and socializing.

Hidden above the activities is the great boredom and loneliness of contemporary people. Interestingly, contemporary people have no time to be sad. They prefer happiness. How can they pursue happiness? It seems that making friends is a broad solution. From this point of view, it is not surprising that some subclassing apps will become dating software.

Judging from the deteriorated sub-category App, if it is put into the social field, it is not cost-effective. Obviously, it is a new demand, but it must be close to a broken Red Sea.

Dating apps can’t solve the needs of partners.

Most dating software is actually feminine logic. In the conventional communication relationship, there is only one payer, which is contrary to the logic of partner AA. In other words, if we return to the traditional logic of making friends, the partner relationship will not exist.

In the previous article about the partner, some fans pointed out that the landing of the partner is actually that the active payer stops playing and returns to please himself from pleasing others. Not only men, but also women don’t like the traditional relationship. The traditional relationship is that whoever initiates pays the bill. If it is a high-quality relationship, rushing to settle the bill at checkout will also make the sponsors feel indebted, while if they are fair-weather friends, it will hurt their wallets too much.

Based on the dissatisfaction with the traditional relationship, this is the friendship between children. Everyone doesn’t need to invest in feelings, just enjoy the activity itself, and AA is enough when checking out. Everyone doesn’t care about each other and doesn’t owe anyone.

In dating software, it becomes: I pursue you, you accompany me, and I pay for your company. Reality has also proved that this kind of communication relationship can’t actually solve the spiritual emptiness and loneliness of contemporary people. Contemporary people have turned from emotional bondage to short and ruthless trading needs, returning to the basics of activities, playing together, and then paying their own bills and returning to their homes for happiness.

The original intention of the partner is not only to solve the financial problem, but also to lift the human bond. In the survey, the partner’s needs include helping Pinduoduo cut a knife, and also collecting orders and doing tasks. However, for such needs, most acquaintances will feel that the other party does not respect themselves. If they are partners, there is no such psychological burden at all. The partners of migrant workers also carry the burden on each other, fish together, skip work together, etc. Acquaintances will only refuse and dissuade them, and only partners will accompany them and do not need to return.

From this point of view, the friendship between children and traditional friends is almost a completely different track. What is needed to build a sub-category App is anti-traditional social gameplay, and all social apps can’t keep the real children.

Why can’t I do a subclass App?

The partner has no feelings and does not rely on his face.

There is such a case. In a boarding group, a boarding friend asked for a photo of the boarding partner before going out for a drink, and was finally kicked out of the group by the group owner, because such people need a group of friends, not a boarding group.

On WeChat, Julang creatively developed the "nearby partner" applet, ranging from rice partner, travel partner, street vendor to movie partner. The applet is also divided into Beijing partner, Inner Mongolia partner and Guangdong partner by region, among which game partner, travel partner and dinner partner are the most common, and the reading of a single message is around 5,000-20,000, but it may be too scattered and other reasons.

Perhaps it is true that the traffic on the sub-platform is insufficient. Some apps that were also serious about making partners earlier have transformed to make friends. At this point, the fact is probably that they have given up the business of building sub-category apps.

Judging from the total annihilation of App applications and the desolation of small programs, the demand for partners may not really support a single platform.

The rise and fall of economic behavior actually depends on the change of economic value, and perhaps the fact is that it is difficult to realize the positive realization of the economy.

1) Demand satisfaction is complicated, and ruthlessness is universal.

The partner’s age span is relatively large. From the post-80s to the post-00s, some people are old and naughty, and some are young and mature, such as reading partners to form a reading club. The sources of such channels include Douban, Little Red Book, Weibo, Tik Tok and acquaintances. The needs of the partners are precise and ruthless. After investigation, many partners will immediately uninstall the Douban App after they find an organization in Douban, including the 50-year-old uncle who is looking for a fishing partner in Xiaohongshu. As long as he enters the fishing group, the uncle will change hands with Xiaohongshu. It is an unloading.

Young people will also find partners from digital apps such as Cool ‘an. It is normal that cool friends can’t find people for ten days after they pay attention. The friendship of the people in the new era is that everyone doesn’t invest their feelings in it, and their interests come online. Bye-bye.

2) The commercial dilemma that cannot be ignored

Tik Tok, Weibo, Xiaohongshu, Douban, Kuan, WeChat and other platforms are all faintly visible. It is really difficult to make money from the partner.

Even if it is a group purchase, people used to buy coupons from platforms such as Tik Tok, Word of Mouth, Public Comment, Meituan, etc. In the past, partners found that there were almost no good things in the packages of merchants, which made their consumption tendency basically go to the store, which was beneficial to the entity business but not to the platform.

Some partners have also found that the prices of group purchase packages on many platforms are the same as the actual prices of stores, which also leads customers to get used to paying in stores. I don’t know if this is a cautious move or a helpless move (generally beneficial to businesses).

It seems that the traffic of the partner is just a formality. If the platform wants to make money on the partner, the past business model is almost completely ineffective.

To realize the value of partners, we must reconstruct our thinking.

Can a partner really fail to do a business? Or, can partners really not bring value to capital or brands? That’s not the case.

1), community reconstruction

Partners can be used by businesses, at least to empower the community.

In the past, the community was coupon thinking, and it was the logic of issuing coupons and asking customers to spend. With the passage of time, most of them have become dead groups. In some couples’ dry meals, the chatting energy of strangers is indeed the most abundant. By changing their thinking, bosses can join the partners’ community and spontaneously form a team to win customers for the brand, which requires neither discounts nor group purchases, and does not need to pay new drainage fees.

Bosses can also help partners launch activities and help partners recruit new partners. These are all ways to realize the flow of partners.

In the brand group, there was always the only brand in the past. For example, all the brands in the group talked about the same brand, which is also the reason why the brand group will eventually be silent. In the chopsticks thinking, bosses can initiate a partner alliance, such as multi-restaurants × swimming and fitness × camping brands × parent-child activities, etc., through multi-brand alliances, which is a way to revitalize traffic and can also form a brand consumption cluster.

2), functional reconstruction

It’s difficult to build a single platform, so it’s probably a good idea to embed the old platform to make the platform functional. For example, the four functions of comments are punching in, taking videos, sending photos and writing comments. In fact, a team function can be added to initiate the platform. When several people meet at the store for dinner, they can pay a deposit first and spend it at the store, which can not only bring new passengers to the store, but also facilitate the communication of the platform.

Compared with rebuilding the sub-platform, embedding the old platform and functionalizing it will be more efficient and practical.

In summary, it can be seen that the sub-category economy is not without economic value and flow play, but now most of them use traditional business models to deal with new play, and the failure of running-in naturally fails to see the value.

As for the partner economy, this article does not discuss and judge it too deeply. Partner is like a new business opportunity rising in Ran Ran, which is not only a new social problem, but also a new demand of social people. Only by paying attention to it can we gain benefits from it.

Original title: "Starting from a partner and then becoming a dating software, can the sub-category economy achieve new opportunities?" 》

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On April 26th, Cyrus was increased by 854,600 shares in Shanghai Stock Connect.

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The acceleration of 100 kilometers is 3.9 seconds. How does BYD Han EV drive?

closefillIThe first time to share with you the hot spots in the automobile circle.

I have to say that when BYD Han just went public, many people were not very optimistic about it. After all, it was in the car segmentation field where its own brand had been weak, and it had a distance compared with Tesla and BBA in brand power. At the same time, pricing is also controversial.

Some netizens said: "Is BYD Han worth 219,800-279,500 yuan after subsidy?

Is the set price a little too floating?

The brain is crazy. Is it not fresh and fragrant to have the money to buy a Tesla?

This car is destined to be cool. "

However, in reality, BYD Han succeeded, and after three months of listing, BYD Han ushered in the first sales of more than 10,000. It can be said that BYD Han gave two big mouths to those who didn’t value it with real sales results. Yes! Byd Han not only didn’t get cold, but also climbed steadily.

According to the latest official sales data released by BYD in November, BYD Han sold a total of 10,105 vehicles in November, achieving a four-month sales increase, with a cumulative sales volume of 28,467 vehicles. Among them, BYD Han EV (parameter picture) sold 7,482 vehicles in November, ranking fourth in the sales list of new energy vehicles in November of china automobile dealers association Automobile Market Research Branch (Association); BYD Han DM also sold 2,623 vehicles in mid-November, up 5.3% from October. Judging from these sales figures, BYD Han really "went up". So why did it succeed? What are the core highlights? Just recently, the key gentleman participated in a deep test drive experience of "recalling Jiangnan" for BYD, and found some answers from it. Let’s go! Let’s take a look!

Full of Chinese style! The appearance is highly recognizable and differentiated.

Still as usual, let’s talk about the static part first. In this era of "looking at the face", not only people have to look at the face value, but even cars have to fight for the face value. In recent years, the post-90 s and post-00 s gradually replaced the post-70 s and post-80 s as the main group of consumers, and the personalized consumption characteristics of young people began to dominate the market changes. Therefore, the value of a car is good or bad, which can be said to play a decisive role in the process of consumers’ car selection.

After so many years of development, China’s automobile industry has become increasingly mature. While increasing the research and development of their own products, independent car manufacturers have also made great efforts in appearance value, striving to cater to the aesthetics of young consumers with the latest and most fashionable appearance design. Of course, BYD is the representative of this. Judging from the appearance of the models currently listed, the design style of BYD’s models is absolutely "fan".

Ok, the gossip is a little too much, so let’s get back to the topic! This time, the key test drive is a BYD Han EV four-wheel drive high-performance version of the flagship, with a price of 279,500 yuan and an acceleration of 3.9s seconds per 100 kilometers. When the key gentleman saw this car at first sight, the key gentleman was really amazed by its design. First of all, the first feeling it gave the key gentleman was that this BYD Han EV was very coupe-like, with a low posture and smooth lines. Interestingly, the overall design of this car is also full of Chinese style. Specifically, the front face of BYD Han EV adopts a closed and integrated front face, and a silver chrome-plated decorative strip is conspicuous at the grille of the front face, and the "Han" logo is also dotted in it, which also makes China elements more prominent. In addition, the shape of the headlight group is slender and sharp, and it looks more sci-fi and avant-garde with the streamlined body.

In addition to the attractive value of the front face, BYD Han EV also has a surprising part on the side of the car body. The side of the whole car body adopts a slip-back roof arc to make the car look more sporty. In addition, the design of the hidden handle highlights its sense of science and technology. During the experience, the key gentleman thinks that BYD has made this design very carefully, and the LOGO with the word "Han" is printed on the inside of the door handle, which is also very good in the process of pushing and retracting. It is worth mentioning that this car also supports NFC unlocking, and the sensing area is in the rearview mirror, which can support Huawei mobile phone unlocking and binding. At this point, the key gentleman thinks it is very convenient for consumers.

In addition, the design of the tail shape of BYD Han EV is also very textured. The top corner of the trunk adopts a duck tail shape, and the popular through taillights are not absent. The design elements of the taillights are also used on both sides, which is highly recognizable after lighting. From the overall design point of view, the face value of BYD Han EV is very high, which is quite good in terms of atmosphere and durability, and there is actually a reason to have this face value.

It is reported that this design was jointly created by Wolfgang Eiger, former design director of Audi, JuanMa López, exterior design director of Ferrari, and Michele Jauch-Paganetti, former interior design director of Mercedes-Benz. It is not difficult to understand why BYD Han can have a highly recognizable and differentiated appearance with such a big-name designer.

The interior is both textured and advanced.

Press the car key lightly, and when you open the car door and enter the car, the electric seat and the electric steering wheel will move slowly. It can be said that the full sense of ceremony will burst out instantly, and the interior that gives the key gentleman the deepest feeling visually is the red and black collocation. It is worthy of recognition that this car has significantly improved the sense of texture and luxury compared with the previous BYD models. At the same time, the interior of the whole car is also decorated with many wood grains, which is very classy.

In terms of materials, BYD Han EV is also very sincere. For example, in terms of seats, BYD Han EV uses Nappa leather raw materials. It is reported that this is selected from cattle hide imported from Brazil and has been processed by more than 20 processes. The overall filler is also very soft and comfortable. At the same time, BYD Han EV is equipped with the function of seat ventilation, and the overall comfort is very good. From this point of view alone, BYD Han EV is much better than Model 3, which is criticized for its rough workmanship and poor materials.

In addition, the interior design of BYD Han EV has not only retained the family-style design, but also carried out many innovations. For example, the dashboard uses a large display screen and the latest DiLink 3.0 UI design, which is called the theme of "flowing". The central control rotating large screen is not absent from this BYD Han EV, with a size of 15.6 inches and a brand-new UI design. The display effect is very clear and delicate, and the fluency of use is also "smooth". In addition, it has functions such as car WIFI, OTA remote upgrade and split-screen display. It is worth noting that in audio-visual entertainment, it can also support Internet radio, online music, local music and local videos, and the system supports downloading applications, which is basically the same as the smart phones we use every day.

In addition, this car is also quite rich in configuration, especially in active safety configuration. It is equipped with BYD Dipilot driver assistance system, and it is equipped with basic common practical configurations such as adaptive cruise, lane keeping and automatic parking.

Key Jun also had some experience during the test drive, among which the most memorable one is that when you enter low-speed driving, as soon as you turn on the turn signal, the screen will automatically switch to a 360-degree panoramic image, and its response speed is really fast. The most important thing is that it is practical and convenient. In terms of voice control, BYD Han EV also has a high degree of voice recognition. The wake-up mode can be awakened by buttons on the steering wheel or by voice, and its voice system has a fast response speed and high recognition. You just need to say "Hello, Xiao Di+Command" to switch to the specified command. Byd Han EV can support switching to make a phone call, check the weather, open the window and other commands.

Let’s take a look at the size. As a medium-sized and large car, BYD Han EV is also full of advantages in space performance. First, let’s take a look at the body size of BYD Han EV. Its length, width and height are 4980/1910/1495mm, and the wheelbase is 2920mm. It is precisely because of its super-long wheelbase of 2920 mm that the rear space of BYD Han EV can be described as luxury. In the actual experience process, the emphasis is on your height. At the same time, sitting in the back seat, you can feel the softness of the whole seat is very high. In addition, the cushion is also very long, not only with ventilation and heating functions, but also with electric adjustment of the back seat, which is quite "cool". Of course, there are still some shortcomings in the space of BYD Han EV. Compared with the abundance of leg space, the head space in the back row is somewhat cramped. In fact, it is not difficult to understand. After all, there are restrictions on the shape of sliding back, so the head space is not so comfortable. According to the pro-test, the head distance is 3.5 to 4 fingers without sitting up straight. If the body plate is upright, it will be a bit awkward. Judging from the overall interior experience of BYD Han EV, BYD Han EV can give consumers a luxury car enjoyment in terms of texture, technical equipment and comfort.

How does BYD Han EV drive?

After talking about the appearance and interior, what is the feeling of BYD Han EV? Since it is a test drive experience, how can we not talk about the feeling of driving! Let’s talk about parameters and power first. BYD Han EV provides two-wheel drive and four-wheel drive models, in which the front and rear dual-motor systems with total power of 363kW(494Ps) and maximum torque of 680N·m are adopted for the dual-motor four-wheel drive models. Among them, the long endurance version, the cruising range of the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology is 605km, and our test drive is the high-performance version of the Han EV four-wheel drive.

In this activity, we started from 4S shop to Tongling Yongquan Mountain Villa, with a total length of 180 kilometers. The middle section includes urban roads and expressway sections. In the early stage, before we got on the expressway section, there was a section of urban roads and there were many traffic lights in the middle. At this stage, we switched to economic mode. In this mode, the power output was relatively soft. After entering the expressway section, we switched the driving mode to SPORT mode. Choose the standard intensity for kinetic energy recovery. In the actual experience, the accelerator pedal of the four-wheel drive version is extremely sensitive. When the floor is electrified, the whole car is like a runaway wild horse. Its powerful acceleration performance gives the driver a strong sense of pushing back, but the overall feeling will not appear so abrupt, but it is delicate and linear. To be honest, this kind of driving pleasure will also make consumers feel addicted.

In addition, in addition to the extreme feeling of performance, BYD Han EV also brings us a good driving experience in handling, sports and comfort. When we arrive at the destination of Tongling Yongquan Mountain Villa, we need to go through a continuous curve mountain road. When our vehicle enters the curve, the lateral support of BYD Han EV is very good, and the flexibility of the whole chassis is also very good, which can make you easily turn the curve. To be honest, in this performance, BYD Han EV is not worthy of some luxury brands.

Finally, let’s talk about the performance of BYD Han EV in sound insulation. In fact, in real life, car noise can directly affect our driving experience. If the performance of the vehicle we are driving is not good enough in quietness, it will also increase the burden on the driver’s brain invisibly, which will make people feel annoyed and even lead to road rage. This is harmful to safe driving. At this point, BYD Han EV’s noise control in the car is good, and even some of them exceed the expectations of the key drivers. During the driving process, even if the speed reaches 120KM/h, the car is very quiet, and the wind noise and tire noise are also well controlled. At this point, BYD Han EV is better than other new energy vehicles.

Write at the end:

Whether it is the advanced design or the interior with both texture and high sense, BYD Han EV has given the key gentleman a good feeling. The excellent performance and the pleasant driving texture also make the key gentleman have enough surprises. For this price or this level of models, BYD Han EV is definitely a "face" and a "value" model. I believe that in the future new energy field, BYD Han EV will also create new achievements. Let’s wait and see!

BYD’s new generation of Tang went on sale at 129,900 yuan.

On June 26th, BYD’s new generation Tang officially went on sale. The price range of fuel version was 129,900-169,900 yuan, and the price range of DM (dual-mode) version was 239,900-279,900 yuan.

A new generation of Tang adopted a new design concept in appearance design — — Designed by Dragon Face. This new design language, which combines Chinese and western industrial design aesthetics, is inspired by China’s traditional totem — — Dragon, supplemented by three key words of "impression", "technology" and "culture" as the core, finally formed a new design concept of "Dynasty car system". The integrated LED "double" seamless taillight design is another highlight of the new generation of Tang.

In terms of interior design, simple style is adopted. Among them, the 14.6-inch central control large screen that can rotate 90 degrees has naturally become the biggest highlight of the interior design of the whole vehicle. The screen can also adapt to the "horizontal and vertical" usage scenarios of smart phones. In addition, the new generation of Tang also provides DiLink intelligent network system, which supports various App downloads.

In terms of power, the new generation of Tang fuel version is equipped with a 2.0T turbocharged engine; The new generation Tang DM power system consists of a 2.0T turbocharged engine and a dual-drive motor.

In addition, the new generation of Tang EV (pure electric version) is expected to be launched at the end of 2018.

Chery’s sales in August were released: the whole department sold well, and the new Tiggo broke 80,000.

  Recently, Chery Group released an August sales report. In August, Chery Group sold 65,200 vehicles, up 33.2% from the previous month and 5.4% from the same period last year. Among them, the sales volume of self-owned brand models was 52,000 units, up 23.1% from the previous month and 3.8% from the same period last year.

  From January to August this year, Chery Group sold a total of 439,000 vehicles, including 378,000 vehicles of its own brand, up 5.9% year-on-year. Since the beginning of this year, the market share of Chery products has continued to increase. In July, the independent market share reached 4.27%, and 29 provinces achieved positive growth year-on-year, 56 cities doubled year-on-year, and 270 cities experienced positive growth year-on-year.

  In terms of specific products, Chery’s two star cars, Tiggo and Arrizo, performed well. The sales volume of Tiggo SUV series was 21,081, of which the sales volume of the new generation Tiggo 8 was 10,340, up 11.9% from the previous month and 43.9% from the same period last year. Tiggo 5x sold 6,320 vehicles, up 51.7% from the previous month and 57.1% year-on-year. Arrizo series cars sold 8712 cars, of which the new Arrizo 5 sold 4600 cars and the Arrizo GX sold 4112 cars.

  In the case of the overall decline of the domestic auto market, Chery Automobile can maintain the continuous growth of sales, thanks to the steady improvement in products, quality and channels.

  System support product strength has been greatly improved.

  Based on the perfect system capability and abundant technology accumulation, in recent years, the iteration speed of Chery’s new products and the upgrading speed of its old products have been significantly accelerated. Tiggo SUV series and Arrizo series products have been fully upgraded in design (modeling, appearance and interior decoration), power, intelligent networking and intelligent driving technology, including the third-generation engine, "Lion Zhiyun" intelligent networking system, intelligent assisted driving and other leading technologies, and their competitiveness has been greatly improved.

  Taking the new generation of Tiggo 8 as an example, it is equipped with Chery’s third-generation ACTECO 1.6TGDI in-cylinder direct injection turbocharged engine, and its power performance level has achieved a qualitative leap; At the same time, for the first time, it was equipped with dozens of super smart configurations, including full-speed ACC adaptive cruise system including L2 intelligent assisted driving, APA automatic parking, LKA lane keeping, etc., which were very popular among young consumers. After three months of listing, sales continued to climb, and sales in August successfully exceeded 10,000.

  A new generation of Tiggo 8

  Ariza GX Pro

  Improve quality and catch up with the level of joint venture brands in an all-round way.

  In recent years, by strengthening the construction of total quality management system, Chery has effectively guaranteed the quality of new products, including the new generation of Tiggo 8, Tiggo 5x, Arrizo GX PRO, Arrizo 5 PRO and other new products, which are in the forefront of the industry in terms of product design, performance and reliability. At present, the 3MIS IPTV(3 of Chery’s new products has far exceeded the industry average and the level of some mainstream joint venture brands.

  In the "2019 New Car Quality Survey Report" released by J.D.Power not long ago, Chery reached the average level of international brands with 92 points, and the brand ranking was 26 places higher than last year.

  At the just-concluded national TQM promotion and the 40th anniversary of the founding of china association for quality, Chery Automobile Co., Ltd. was awarded the title of "Outstanding Promotion Unit for the 40th Anniversary of TQM Promotion" and "Annual National Quality and Technology Progress Award", and Chery’s "Seeking Truth from Facts QC Team" was awarded the title of "National Excellent Quality Management Team".

  Channel promotion online and offline comprehensive empowerment

  After entering 2019, Chery further improved the channel quality and formulated a first-level network to improve quality; The secondary network ensures the vertical penetration of the "super deep-sea plan", and the network scale has risen steadily. Up to now, the scale of Chery’s first network has stabilized at 500, and the scale of the second network has reached 1300. The dealers of the new network have grown rapidly, which has strongly supported the sales growth.

  At the same time, Chery is also actively testing new retail models, cooperating with many new auto retail platforms, integrating customers’ big data, artificial intelligence and other resources, and actively improving users’ car purchase experience. In August this year, Tiggo 7i officially landed in Tmall and participated in the "Tmall 99" event. Consumers can make an appointment to pick up the car at the nearest Chery store by paying the deposit online through Tmall platform, and experience the new car purchase service model jointly built by Chery and Tmall, making the whole car purchase process more efficient and convenient.

  In September, in order to thank the friends who have trusted Chery for many years, Chery specially launched the golden autumn car purchase preferential activities for consumers all over the country. During the event, all the designated models such as the new generation Tiggo 8, Tiggo 5x HERO, Arrizo GX Pro and Arrizo 5 Pro can enjoy high discounts. Among them, the new generation of Tiggo 8 can enjoy a maximum replacement subsidy of 10,000 yuan, and the Arrizo series can enjoy 0 down payment, 0 interest rate and 0 waiting time limit.

  In this golden September, silver and ten automobile industry sales season, driven by product upgrading, quality improvement and channel improvement, as well as the release of a series of preferential policies, it is believed that Chery Automobile will continue to maintain the momentum of contrarian growth and become the backbone of China automobile brand.?

Weilai’s senior management team joined another general: once worked in Tucki, taking stock of the technical talents Weilai dug up from Huawei, NVIDIA and Xilinx.

Leifeng. com reported on March 30th that Xin Huang, the former director of Xpeng Motors Autopilot Products, had joined Weilai as vice president, reporting directly to Li Bin, founder, chairman and CEO of Weilai.

In this regard, Xin Huang in the circle of friends suspected response: "false". It is understood that Xin Huang did join Weilai last year, but the position is senior director, not vice president.

During his tenure as Director of Autopilot Products in Xpeng Motors, Xin Huang promoted the implementation of NGP and memory parking projects in Tucki. In addition, Li Bin attaches great importance to the talents of autonomous driving technology, so Xin Huang’s level in Weilai is 6, after which his level in Tucki was 5. In this regard, Wei Lai also did not comment.

In July last year, it was reported by the media that Xin Huang had sent out six words in his personal circle of friends-"Thanksgiving, Goodbye and Best wishes", and it was suspected that he had left Xpeng Motors at that time.

Among many new car-making forces, Weilai has attracted much attention from the outside world since its establishment. A big reason is that its founders, Li Bin and Li Xiang, were once the bosses of the two largest vertical websites of automobiles in China.

In 2014, Li Binlian, the founder of Easy Car, together with car home Li Xiang, JD.COM and Tencent, invested and created a financing of 1 billion US dollars, and formally established Weilai, with the intention of building Tesla in China.

In the two years after its establishment, Weilai successively recruited a large number of senior executives from traditional car companies, who became the core entrepreneurs of Weilai Company in the early days, enabling Weilai to land in the capital market in just four years and complete the ringing of the bell on the New York Stock Exchange. These people include:

Qin Lihong, co-founder and legal representative of Weilai Automobile

Qin Lihong graduated from Peking University University of International Relations in 1999 with a master’s degree in law. In 2001, he obtained a master’s degree in public policy from Kennedy School of Government of Harvard University. In 2005, he joined Anhui Chery Automobile Sales Co., Ltd. as deputy general manager.

Zheng Xiancong, co-founder and executive vice president of Weilai Company.

In 2015, he officially joined Weilai, and together with Li Bin, he built the core team of the company, making contributions to the company in supply chain, industrialization and Weilai-driven technology.

Previously, he served as vice president of Fiat China Global Purchasing Center and general manager of gac fiat, and earlier worked for Ford, with nearly 40 years of experience in the automotive industry.

In August 2019, Zheng Xiancong announced his retirement. After retirement, he will continue to serve as the chairman of Weilai Drive Technology.

Martin Leach, former president and CEO of Weilai Automobile

Martin Leach has been working for Ford motor company for 24 years since 1979; In 2004, he served as CEO of Maserati; In 2006, he served as the president of GAZ Group, a Russian automobile company, in the UK. Since 2008, he has served as the vice chairman of Volvo Construction Equipment Group. In 2015, he joined NEXTEV Weilai as the president of the company.

He is not only a professional manager, but also an avid racing enthusiast. He became a kart driver when he was only 11 years old, and became a professional player at the age of 14. He has made great achievements in the field of karting and racing, and won several championship prizes in Europe.

In 2016, Martin Leach died unfortunately due to illness, at the age of 59.

Huang Chendong, Senior Vice President of Weilaiyuan

Huang Chendong is a Ph.D. in mechanical engineering from the University of Michigan, USA. He used to be the deputy general manager of the new energy division of SAIC. In March 2015, Huang Chendong joined Weilai, and was responsible for the core business of Weilai vehicle development, independent intelligent driving technology research and development, and electric power engineering.

In October 2019, Huang Chendong was promoted to senior vice president of Weilai, reporting to Li Bin. In June 2020, Wei Laiguan announced the news of Huang Chendong’s departure.

Padmasree Warrior, Chief Development Officer of Weilai and CEO of North American Company.

Joined Weilai in 2015, and together with Li Bin, promoted Weilai Automobile to become a competitive member of the global electric vehicle manufacturers. Before joining Weilai Automobile, Warrior was the chief technology officer and strategy officer of Cisco, and also served as the chief technology officer of Motorola. In December 2018, it officially announced its departure from Weilai.

In addition, Weilai Automobile also recruited Lu Xiaoming, the former chairman of Montblanc in China, to take charge of Weilai’s user experience. Zhong Wan Li, executive vice president of Jiangling, is responsible for the specific manufacturing. Ganesh V. Lyer, former chief information officer of Tesla, is the leader of Tesla’s ERP system and is responsible for the operation.

Ping Jiang, former vice president of Guangzhou Automobile Group, Zhou Xin, former executive director of automobile procurement and human resources and government affairs of Qoros, and Mao Jie, former executive director of automobile assembly of Qoros, and other senior executives are responsible for R&D, cost and manufacturing.

It can be said that at the beginning of its establishment, Weilai Automobile began to recruit a large number of senior executives, covering all aspects of automobile manufacturing.

In addition to founding the core figures in the early days, in recent years, Weilai has successively recruited many technical talents from well-known enterprises such as Huawei, NVIDIA, Wal-Mart, Xilinx and Huami.

Ren Shaoqing, co-founder and R&D director of Momenta, an autonomous driving startup.

In August 2020, Ren Shaoqing joined Weilai as assistant vice president, reporting directly to Weilai CEO Li Bin.

Ren Shaoqing graduated from the doctoral program jointly trained by the University of Science and Technology of China and Microsoft Asia Research Institute, and participated in proposing an efficient framework Faster RCNN and an image recognition algorithm ResNet for object detection.

The latter related papers won the Best Paper Award of CVPR, the top conference in the field of computer vision, in 2016.

In 2019, Momenta published an article saying that Ren Shaoqing ranked first in the world in adding academic citations to Google in autonomous driving, and accumulated academic citations ranked second in the world.

In addition, Ren Shaoqing was selected into the list of outstanding young people under the age of 30 in Forbes Asia in 2018.

Zhang Lei, Chief Architect of Yuan Hua Mi Technology

In August 2019, Zhang Lei joined Weilai Automobile as the vice president of software development, succeeding Dr. Li Zhuang.

Judging from the public information, Zhang Lei is a veteran of the automotive technology industry. In 2016, he joined the Huami Technology Silicon Valley team as the chief architect. Before joining Huami, Zhang Lei participated in the development of Android Auto, a car project.

After joining Weilai, Zhang Lei was mainly responsible for Weilai CDC (Car Digital Cockpit) business.

Hu Chengchen, former director of Xilinx Asia-Pacific Laboratory

According to public information, Hu Chengchen received his Ph.D. in computer science and technology in Tsinghua University in 2008, and then taught in Xi ‘an Jiaotong University for a long time. At the age of 29, he became an associate professor at the School of Telecommunications of Xi ‘an Jiaotong University, and later became a professor, and served as the head of the computer department of Xi ‘an Jiaotong University.

Its main research direction is data center, network big data and so on.

Later, in 2017, he was transferred from academia to industry, and served as the director /CTO of Xilinx Asia Pacific Laboratory, with rich experience in chip front-end design.

In October 2021, Hu Chengchen joined Weilai Automobile as the chief expert & assistant vice president and the head of the technical planning department.

Yin Shuijun, former president of Meitu mobile phone

(The picture on the right shows Yin Shuijun)

In February of this year, it was reported that Yin Shuijun, the former president of Meitu Mobile, joined Weilai to take the lead in the mobile phone business.

She Xiaoli, former chief functional safety expert of Huawei BU.

She Xiaoli graduated from Tsinghua University, worked as a functional safety expert in Baidu Autopilot Division for one year, and then worked as the chief functional safety expert and the chief big data application expert in Huawei.

According to public information, She Xiaoli joined Baidu (BIDU) in 2015 after receiving her Ph.D. in Tsinghua as a functional safety expert, and introduced the concept of functional safety into Baidu’s Autopilot Division.

A year later, he joined Huawei as the chief functional safety expert and the chief big data application expert, leading the design of vehicle-side data collection, cloud processing architecture and cloud value-added applications suitable for the characteristics of autonomous driving data.

In November 2021, She Xiaoli joined Weilai Automobile as an internal expert in algorithm research.

Zhang Xiaohong, former director of Huawei BU intelligent driving product project group.

Zhang Xiaohong graduated from Shanghai Jiaotong University with a major in mechanical engineering, and has served as a senior software development engineer of Shanghai Huawei Technologies Co., Ltd. and an OSS product director of Dingqiao Communication Technology Co., Ltd.

In April 2021, he joined Weilai as a senior product manager.

Steve Xie, former head of NVIDIA autopilot simulation.

On January 11th, 2022, Steve Xie, the former head of NVIDIA Autopilot Simulation, said that he had joined Weilai Automobile as the head and senior director of Autopilot Simulation Department of Shanghai Weilai Automobile Co., Ltd.

Steve Xie graduated from Peking University and received his Ph.D. from Columbia University. Judging from his work experience, Steve Xie had been deeply involved in the autonomous driving industry for many years before joining Weilai Automobile, and had working experience in Cruise, NVIDIA and other big manufacturers.

In 2018, Steve Xie joined Cruise, an American L4 autonomous driving company, responsible for simulation product development.

Alister Whelan, a former Jaguar Land Rover designer, and Joaquin Garcia, a former SEAT designer.

In October 2021, Whelan will become the design director of Weilai together with Garcia.

Alister Whelan had previously served as the interior design director in the design department of Jaguar Land Rover, and his career in Jaguar Land Rover was as long as 21 years, and he participated in the interior design of F-Type, F-Pace, I-Pace and other vehicles. Judging from his qualifications, he obviously has rich design experience.

Joaquin Garcia once worked in Skoda, a subsidiary of Volkswagen Group, for 5 years and in Seat for 6 years, and participated in the design work of Seat and its high-performance brand CUPRA.

Feng Li, Dean of BAIC New Technology Research Institute.

Feng Li comes from a technical background and knows a lot about automobile manufacturing. At the same time, he is also known as a "marketing wizard".

Previously, he worked in Chery Automobile, BAIC Group and other car companies, and has rich practice and successful experience in R&D, marketing, manufacturing and company management.

Since 2009, Feng Li has joined BAIC, successively serving as the executive deputy general manager of Beijing Hyundai, the president of Beijing Automotive Co., Ltd., the Standing Committee of the Party Committee of BAIC and the Party Secretary of the New Technology Research Institute of BAIC.

In December 2017, Feng Li joined Weilai Capital as a partner.

Bai Jian, former hardware director of OPPO and general manager of Xiaomi Chip and Forward-looking Research Department.

In November 2020, Bai Jian joined Weilai Automobile as vice president of hardware, reporting to Li Bin.

Before joining Xiaomi, Bai Jian worked for OPPO as the hardware director. In September 2018, Bai Jian joined Xiaomi Company as the general manager of Xiaomi Chip and Prospective Research Department. Bai Jian studied in Beijing University of Posts and Telecommunications, majoring in cryptography and communication engineering.

Zhu Jiang, former deputy general manager of Lexus China

In February 2017, Zhu Jiang joined Weilai Automobile as the vice president. In November, 2021, Zhu Jiang announced his resignation from Weilai and joined Jidu Automobile, a brand owned by Baidu Car, as the vice president of Jidu Automobile and the person in charge of user development and operation.

In 2002, Zhu Jiang began to set foot in the automobile industry, and then entered BMW Brilliance, responsible for dealer market, event marketing and other related work. In 2008, he was promoted to vice president of brand management of BMW China MINI.

In July 2014, he joined Lexus China as Deputy General Manager, mainly responsible for product planning and marketing.

Xie Dongying, former CFO of New Oriental

Xie Dongying worked in JPMorgan Chase, UBS Assets, UBS Investment Bank and other companies for many years, and then served as CFO of New Oriental Education Group, and once served as chief financial officer.

He is also a director of JD.COM, British education groups Noranda and Yum! China, and has helped many companies to complete the listing.

In May 2017, Weilai announced the appointment of personnel, and announced that Xie Dongying had joined as CFO, responsible for Weilai automobile financing and listing projects, and reported directly to Li Bin.

In October 2019, Xie Dongying left from Weilai.

Ralph kranz, former Volvo executive

In January, 2022, overseas media reported that Ralph Kranz, sales and commercial director of Volvo Germany, resigned on March 1st and joined Weilai Automobile to take charge of the German market.

According to public information, Ralph Kranz has many years’ experience in the automobile industry. Besides 10 years at Volvo, he also worked in aston martin and Toyota.

On the surface, it is wise for Weilai to dig kranz, mainly to promote the plan to enter the German market before the end of 2022.

Shen Feng, former Volvo executive.

In December 2017, the global CTO of Polestar, a high-performance brand owned by Volvo Cars, and Shen Feng, president of China and president of Volvo China R&D Company, announced that they had joined Weilai Automobile as vice president of quality and chairman of quality management committee, and were responsible for its overall quality-related management.

Volvo said that Shen Feng’s previous position in Polestar had been temporarily taken over by Lars Danielson.

Before joining Weilai, Shen Feng was a master of Ford 6-Sigma black belt, global CTO of Volvo Car Polestar and president of China, and president of Volvo China R&D Company.

Shen Feng has rich experience in 6-Sigma quality management, Geely Volvo International M&A, establishment of international R&D center, product R&D and mass production, supplier management, and establishment and commissioning of new factories.

How much does the new Mercedes-Benz E300 Deluxe Edition cost? Does it have many shortcomings? This article will give you the answer.

Mercedes-Benz E-Class is a traditional luxury medium-sized and large-sized car product. For Biao and Audi a6l, its unique brand advantages and extreme luxury attributes have made it deeply recognized by consumers, with an average monthly sales volume of more than 13,000, which is in a strong competitive position in this market segment.

Mercedes-Benz e300l luxury design atmosphere, strong business atmosphere, the front shield-shaped mesh is quite eye-catching, two bar-type led light groups are shiny and recognizable, and the erected three-pointed star logo is also noble and elegant, which can always give people a strong psychological hint. The side is slender and smooth, the lines are smooth and sexy, the rear tail is sexy and stocky, the bilateral double exhaust is quite graded, and the overall face value is remarkable, which is a small S-class.

In terms of power, e300l is equipped with a 2.0t high-powered version, 190 kW, 370 Nm, equipped with a 9-speed manual, with a zero-hundred-speed score of about 6.6 seconds, which makes the acceleration feel smooth and calm at the beginning, and at the same time, the latter part is full of confidence and orderly shift logic, which is always indifferent and comfortable to drive, and can raise the speed to a very high level unconsciously.

In terms of structure, the training style is still very comfortable, the bumps on the road are handled in place, and there is not much impact when taking some bad roads. Driving is particularly heavy and advanced, which will definitely bring people the highest level of enjoyment, which is in line with the level that this level should have.

In terms of selling price, the official guide price of the 2019 Mercedes-Benz e300l Deluxe Edition is 492,800, with a preferential margin of about 40,000. The transaction price of the bare car at the terminal is 452,800, including 40080 purchase tax, 480 travel tax, 950 compulsory insurance, 12,299 commercial insurance and 500 licensed cars, totaling about 507,200.

Car experience:

Most satisfied with fashion and youth, cool atmosphere lights and a sense of science and technology in off the charts! 9-speed automatic transmission, almost no frustration!

The most dissatisfied with the sound effect is just so-so. The original car’s own sound is really lame, not as loud as Berlin’s.

[Space] The space in the front row of my 176 is quite large. There is not much horizontal space for two people. Three people are not very comfortable. From driving to now, I have only gone home for the Spring Festival, and I have been full of company group tours. Basically, I am alone.

[Power] The power is smooth between 234 gears, and occasionally, there will be some setbacks in oil collection.

[Control] Control is general, and this owner plays.

[Comfort] The front seat is comfortable and the rear seat is short.

[Appearance] I bought a sports label with pearl white. I feel very young. In fact, I am already young.

[Interior] Family-style design is adopted, just like driving an S. Due to the hasty booking of a car, the car comes with a black interior, which is a little depressing, but quite resistant to dirt.

[Cost-effective] If people like me don’t pay attention to performance, people who look at their eyes will buy a car of around 500,000, which is still very good.

Provided by the author

The drone postman appeared in the mountainous area of Guiyang and needed to change batteries when flying to every village.

  Since the beginning of January this year, residents of Weicheng Town, Guiyang City, located in the mountainous area of Guizhou Province, have often seen a drone shuttle through the town. Under the belly of the plane, there was a box with the words "China Post". The local people later learned that this drone was used by the post office in the town to deliver mail to the surrounding mountain villages. Beijing Youth Daily reporter learned from the local post office on the 15th that this drone now flies twice a week, and it will be promoted if it works well in the future.

  Postman part-time drone operator

  On the morning of 15th, Wang Hua, a staff member of Weicheng Post Sub-bureau in Guiyang, took his drone to an open space near the town, and prepared to deliver newspapers and some mails to five villages around the town.

  Wang Hua is a postman. He used to ride a motorcycle to deliver mail to several surrounding villages three times a week. Because the mountain road is rugged, although the distance is not far, it takes a whole day to deliver it every time. Since the beginning of January this year, Wang Hua has added a new task, which is to operate drones to transport mail.

  "Our economy is not developed here. Many people have never seen drones, so many people gathered around to see them when they first started flying. Some old people asked us about the timetable for flying drones and came to see them several times." Wang Hua said.

  Wang Hua said that he is driving a drone, but in fact the main operation is not done by him. He is mainly responsible for loading mail on the drone and then checking the battery. The flight route has long been set by the company that developed the drone. All he has to do is scan the QR code on the plane with his mobile phone, and then click the start button on the mobile phone, and the plane can fly according to the pre-designed route.

  "It used to take a whole day to send the mail from these villages by motorcycle. Now the whole route is flown by drones, which is more than an hour." Wang Hua said.

  Flying to every village requires changing batteries.

  Director Chen Zhongxiang of Weicheng Post Sub-office told the reporter of Beiqing Daily that at present, there is only one drone in the town post office, and they selected five villages, namely Yingyan, Yinqiao, Maixiang, Xingguang and Lianhua Temple, as delivery pilots. Chen Zhongxiang said that these villages were chosen because they are relatively remote, and it takes too long and the road is dangerous to send mail into the village by manpower.

  Chen Zhongxiang said that the UAV they are using now has a diameter of more than 1 meter and six propellers. In theory, it can carry about 7 kilograms of goods. However, for safety reasons, the stipulated delivery weight is no more than 5 kilograms, and the flying distance between villages is about 10 minutes. Every time you fly to a village, you need people from the village to help replace the new battery, and then you can fly to the next village. The whole journey is a "relay" process.

  "The plane must be fully charged before it can take off. The last time we saw the power of the plane was 82%, we felt that we could complete a flight, but after the start, the plane still could not take off. This may be the design made by the aircraft research and development enterprise for the absolute safety of the aircraft." Chen Zhongxiang said.

  Temporarily unable to replace manual delivery.

  According to the staff of the UAV R&D company, when the plane lands, it needs to lay a red and blue positioning carpet at the landing site. The UAV is equipped with a sensor in the vertical direction. When it searches for the positioning carpet, it will land accurately. Location.

  Chen Zhongxiang told the reporter of Beiqing Daily that it was not the decision of the town post office to equip the town post office with drones, but the higher authorities chose the Weicheng post office as a pilot. If the use effect is good in the future, it will continue to be promoted.

  "Many people in the village felt particularly fresh when they saw the plane at first, and the people in charge of managing the plane in each village also had a WeChat group. When the plane took off and landed, everyone would inform each other."

  Annabelle of Xingguang Village Committee is one of the managers of this drone. Every time he receives the mail from his village, he also needs to replace the plane with a new battery. "If the battery is not fully charged, the plane can’t fly, but there will definitely be no forgetting to charge the battery. Everyone will remind each other when they have WeChat groups."

  Chen Zhongxiang said that in the past, the postman of the post office had to go into the mountain three times a week, but now it has been reduced to twice a week, while the drone now flies twice a week. If the effect is good in the future, it will increase the flight frequency. "But due to the limitation of load, drones can’t completely replace the postman now, and everywhere they go, they need people to get express delivery for batteries. There are still some troubles. It would be nice if these jobs can be replaced by machines in the future."

  Text/reporter Fu Wei

CCTV Exposes Maotai Fake Wine Industry Chain: 2700 Yuan Feitian Bottle with Prince 70 yuan Wine is sold at a high price online!


From Chen Kun to Roy and Karry, among the stars who are constantly "harvesting" attention in the entertainment circle, it seems that there is never a lack of Chongqing elements. If it is said that ten years ago, Chen Kun began to impress the audience with his youthful and immature acting skills, it was the beginning of Chongqing children’s journey in the entertainment circle; Then at the dawn of the second decade of the new century, successors have appeared on this long journey …

Needless to say, Roy and Karry, two children who have long been popular all over the country through TFBOYS, Sean Xiao, who won the popularity of the new generation of actors this year, Vin, Ivan and YoRoll , who are the most popular new men’s team at present, followed closely, and J.zen, Gu Landi and other names have repeatedly refreshed your understanding of the newcomers in the entertainment circle. In the next decade, it should be the following new forces that attract your attention and guide your remote control and mouse.

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Sean Xiao

The hottest Chinese actor this year

How new is the "new power"? We might as well take the year 2000, the first year of the 21st century, as the base point.

That year, Chen Kun was a student of the Beijing Film Academy. After the movie "National Anthem", he participated in his second drama "Like Fog, Like Rain and Like Wind", but at this time he was just a little coffee hidden behind the highlights of Zhou Xun and Lu Yi. This year, Roy and Vin were born, Karry just turned one year old and YoRoll  and Ivan were two years old. The older ones are J.zen and Gu Landi, who are 5 and 6 years old respectively. Xiao Zhan, who is 9 years old, should start learning piano under the guidance of his father.

Wei Wuxian, played by Sean Xiao in The Untamed. jpg

Wei Wuxian played by Sean Xiao The Untamed.

In a blink of an eye, 10 years later, they all became "popular fried chicken", and some of them were even hotter than Chen Kun in 2000.

If you want to ask how hot Sean Xiao is now? Just pay a little attention to the frequency of his name appearing in various news information in the last week, and you can perceive one or two. New Year’s Eve and New Year’s Day are approaching. He is on the guest lists of CCTV, Beijing Satellite TV and Oriental TV. Among them, Beijing Satellite TV also chose Sean Xiao as the spokesperson for the 2020 Spring Festival Gala.


Sean Xiao became the spokesperson for the 2020 Beijing Spring Festival Evening.

Not only that, all kinds of "harvest" hot search and attention in Sean Xiao can be described as full bloom. Let’s take a closer look at the variety field. In the music reality show "The Voice of Chinese Dreams Our Songs", which is being broadcasted by Oriental TV, his partner, Tian Na Ying, praised him as "really handsome" from the first sight, and the following two people’s cooperation, "Follow Your Feelings" and "Night at the Naval Port" were hotly debated in every capital.


Sean Xiao has become the "darling" of fashion magazines.

Secondly, magazine covers and photos, which have always been Vogue of the main battlefields for star competition, have ELLE published Sean Xiao’s photos or covers.

In the field of TV series, The Untamed, a costume drama that was popular all over the network in June this year, was regarded as the tipping point of Sean Xiao’s popularity. In the play, his handsome appearance is just in line with the audience’s imagination of Wei, the original character: clean, optimistic and cheerful. On December 20th, Douban made a ranking list from movies to TV series in 2019. The Untamed ranked third in the highest-rated Chinese drama series in 2019 with 8.3 points, and Sean Xiao won the first place among the most watched Chinese actors in 2019.

Sean Xiao in college. jpg

Sean Xiao in college.

Compared with several Chongqing babies who will be mentioned later in Ran Ran, Sean Xiao is not too young. Born in 1991, he studied painting, violin and other literary specialties under the cultivation of his father since childhood. In 2010, Sean Xiao was admitted to chongqing technology and business university Modern International Design and Art Institute. Since he entered the school, he has been a member of the class’s literary and art committee, and also served as the head of vocal music department and male voice department of the college students’ art troupe, as well as an actor of the school’s language and art sub-group.

In her sophomore year, Sean Xiao, who won the title of "Top Ten Singers on Campus" in chongqing technology and business university, participated in the "Top Ten Singers on Campus" competition in Chongqing on behalf of her school and won the second prize. It is worth mentioning that when he was a student, Sean Xiao also played a lot of tricks in his professional field: in 2012, he and his friend Camera founded the "Recalling Light and Shadow Visual Media" photography studio and the "NED Design Studio", and he was the main photographer and designer.

Until now, Weibo’s name in Sean Xiao still retains the head of his newly-debuted group "X-Nine Youth League". In June 2015, he was invited to participate in Zhejiang Satellite TV’s amateur inspirational program "Burn Boys" and became a trainee. In the finals in February of the following year, although Sean Xiao and his teammates narrowly lost to the Chris Lee team, in September of the same year, they announced their debut as the lead singer of the X-Nine Youth League. Since then, Sean Xiao’s performances in costume dramas "Breaking the Sky" and "Your Highness the Wolf" have been recognized by everyone. In the popular costume drama Joy of Life, although Sean Xiao is a supporting role, the hot discussion expected by netizens has spread all over the network since the first day of the drama.

Up to now, the number of Weibo fans in Sean Xiao has reached a staggering 21 million, and among the more than 700 Weibo posts, the likes of any one easily exceeded 1 million. It is no exaggeration to say that, as Douban commented, he is definitely the first most concerned Chinese actor at present.

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The hottest new men’s team "R1SE"

Three of the 11 members are Chongqing children.

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R1SE men’s team

On 14th of this month, R1SE, a men’s group, announced that it had been a group debut for less than half a year, put "WE ARE R.1.S.E-2019 R1SE National Tour Concert" into the Chongqing Concert of Chongqing Huaxi International Cultural and Sports Center. The scene is naturally screaming and cheering. This concert is of great significance to the three members of R1SE: Vin, Ivan and Zhang Yanquan are authentic Chongqing babies.

For this reason, R1SE specially designed an interactive session with unique regional characteristics for Chongqing fans. The members not only adapted the lyrics of the song "Deba" into Chongqing dialect "Yaode", but also performed a dialect chorus with the live fans. Combined with Chongqing special hot pot, a creative game "What’s in the hot pot restaurant" was created, which made the concert scene burst into laughter again and again.

Back in June this year, the reality show "Creation Camp 2019" launched by Tencent Video specially selected men’s teams finally scheduled the final seats. According to the program rules, 11 members of the "R1SE" group who made their debut as a group were born. Among the 11 members born after the elimination of 101 trainees, three Chongqing children were included: the names of Vin, Ivan and YoRoll  instantly became popular on the Internet.

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You are not mistaken. After 00, you have already started to board this eye-catching stage. Vin, the third of the three, was born in 2000, while YoRoll  and Yao Chen were both born in 1998. According to Vin’s self-report when he participated in Creation Camp 2019, his idea of going on stage was influenced by Michael Jackson: in 2012, at the age of 12, after watching Michael Jackson’s performance in This is it, he had the idea of going on stage for the first time, and it got out of hand. He first signed up for a street dance class, and then spent two years persuading his parents to let him take the road of acting. Before participating in the domestic draft variety show, he went to an entertainment company in South Korea as a trainee in 2014.

Before this year’s "Creation Camp 2109" won the C place, Vin had already won the fourth place in the 2017 musical idol cultivation program "Son of Tomorrow" and made her debut. Two months ago, Vin was selected into the 2019 Forbes China list of 30 elites under the age of 30 by virtue of her popularity.


Ivan Yao

Ivan, born in 1998, also had the experience of joining a Korean entertainment company as an intern. In "Creation Camp 2019", Yao Chen’s first stage performance of "Baddd" attracted countless attention. During the performance, Ivan inadvertently lifted his T-shirt to reveal eight abdominal muscles, which also made him known as a "small waist" by fans.



YoRoll  is famous for her "interesting soul" among R1SE members. On the one hand, he keeps making golden sentences in the "Creation Camp 2019" program, such as calling PK among students "mutual torture to the bald head"; On the other hand, the scene of Chongqing Xiaoer, who is super spicy, recommending Laoganma’s hot sauce for other students in the program has also made fans talk about it for a long time.

YoRoll  madly recommended hot sauce to other students in "Creation Camp 2019". jpg

The scene of YoRoll ‘s crazy recommendation of hot sauce

As he himself said in the program, his interest in rap began in junior high school. "My classmates showed me a rough MV made by a domestic rapper, but the content was very close to life." He immediately fell in love with this form of writing everything that happened around him into a song and began to try originality. Nowadays, family members are very supportive of this road chosen by Zhang Yan. In an interview, he even laughed that his father is his number one male fan. "His ten circle of friends, nine of them are all about me, and I find people everywhere to like me."

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A cold folded ear root was forwarded by Weibo for more than 240,000 times.

On December 22nd, J.zen’s name was posted on the hot search because Ronghao Li, who had just finished his concert in Chongqing, met Xiao Zhu at the airport and stopped him. At first, he didn’t react. When he recognized that he was Ronghao Li, the music tutor when he participated in the online comprehensive Idol Trainee, J.zen’s appearance as a good student made fans happy instantly.

1.jpg, J.zen


If you don’t know J.zen, it only means that you are either old or Out.

Now official website, who is logged into Luneng Bashu Middle School, can find J.zen's name in the classmate record of Class 16, Grade 2012. jpg.

Now logging in to Luneng Bashu Middle School, official website can find J.zen’s name in the classmate record of Class 16, Grade 2012.

J.zen was born in Chongqing in 1994. Until now, if you log in to Luneng Bashu Middle School, official website can find his name in the previous student lists. He is in Class 16, Grade 2012. Compared with Chongqing’s fellow villagers who are equally popular in the entertainment circle today, J.zen is a broader type. He and Variety should have been electrocuted since high school: in 2011, J.zen’s name was included in the second season of China’s Got Talent. Later, he entered Beijing Modern Music Institute to study in university.

The reason why J.zen dabbles in a lot is that he has appeared in the dance competition program, the magic reality show and the most popular variety show "Hip-hop in China" in 2017 (entering the top 46 in China). However, if we really want to say that J.zen’s name is on fire, it is inseparable from the reality show "Idol Trainee" formed by the idol men’s team that was red and purple last year. In this program, J.zen and the current traffic took the PK of KUN, Chen Linong and Adam, and finally ranked 14th. This achievement is quite rare.

This year's Spring Festival, J.zen's menu for going home for dinner also has cold folded ears. jpg

This year’s Spring Festival, J.zen’s cold salad is broken.

How hot is J.zen, who has released his second personal music EP "Something Worth mentioning" in April this year? The reporter noticed that the number of his real-name authentication fans in Weibo has already exceeded 6.4 million. As a Chongqing cub, he is naturally unambiguous in eating. Apart from basking in the Vlog that he made "Chongqing tomato scrambled eggs" and "boiled meat slices", this year’s Spring Festival J.zen basked in a picture of himself eating New Year’s Eve dinner at home in Chongqing: "The legendary braised fish of grandma and the broken ears of grandpa’s cold salad". This Weibo has been forwarded more than 240,000 times, and the number of likes has exceeded 78,000 times.

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Chongqing guy who won the popularity of "making stars in a new way"

Compared with his peers in other circles, Gu Landi, who was born in Chongqing in 1995, was quite unconventional from his debut to his popularity. Although he also participated in Iqiyi’s talent show "Youth has You", he actually made his debut before this program started: In the online drama "Love You So Sweet" of Tencent video last year, Gu Landi starred in the male No.2.



In January of this year, Youth with You, which has been regarded as the second season of Idol Trainee, was launched, and Gu Landi joined it as a trainee. After two months of competition, Gu Landi regretted stopping in the top 20, and something interesting happened at this time. He, together with Shi Mingze, Hu Wenxuan, Xu Bingchao and Ding Feijun, formed a men’s team named "D5, the fifth son of the desert" and announced his debut. The operation team behind it is Lehua Entertainment, which has previously launched the "NEXT of the Seven sons of Lehua" (the main members include THEO and Adam).

Display and Valley Blue Imperial Capital is a "trainee" launched by the online comprehensive "Youth has You". jpg

Displaying the Imperial Capital of Valley Blue is a "trainee" from Youth with You.

The key to saying that it is the result of the current "new game of making stars" is that "the fifth son of the desert D5" announced its existence for only three months at the same time from the date of its birth. Not only that, the unique significance of "Five Sons of the Desert D5" is that it is the first case of spontaneous group cooperation between artists from different companies. People in the industry generally believe that this has unlocked the new mode of idol draft, given the eliminated players new opportunities, and maintained the heat of the players after the game to a certain extent. At the same time of forming a group, "Desert Wuzi D5" has an official fan club, and the membership card valid for three months costs 99 yuan.

During the three-month existence of "Five Sons of the Desert D5", they released two singles successively, and they also appeared in the theme concert of "Burning Snow" in the 1000-day countdown to the Beijing Winter Olympics.

Upstream News chongqing morning post Reporter Qiu Jinxi

Entertainment channel. jpg

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In 2020, these "online celebrity" will be different!

  Chinanews. com client Beijing, December 25 th:Year-end planning: In 2020, these "online celebrity" will be different!

  Reporter Ren Siyu

  Finally, the progress bar in 2020 is almost full.

  If you use one word to describe your feelings, what would it be? Magic, change and cherish … …

  Looking back on this year, we have witnessed too many changes in the world, one extraordinary thing after another, and at the same time, we have seen such a group of ordinary people become "online celebrity". Do you still remember them?

  Spider monkey bread

  At the beginning of the year, many people were trapped by the COVID-19 epidemic. When Wuhan was "closed" and everyone was shrouded in panic, a group of witnesses recorded the tug-of-war between ordinary people and the epidemic with their own lenses.

  On the 29th day of the twelfth lunar month, Wuhan film and television worker "Spider Monkey Bread" decided to film the daily life after "closing the city": the medical staff who rushed to the front line to fight, the boss who provided free accommodation for the medical staff, the old man who pushed his wife to see a doctor on foot in a wheelchair, the family members of patients waiting for medicine, and the takeaway brother who insisted on delivering food on a motorcycle … … The ordinary people in his lens are warm and strong.

  In just a few days, "Spider Monkey Bread" became a online celebrity, with millions of fans. The comments all said, "Thank you for letting us see the beauty and kindness in human nature." "Thank you for letting us see the real Wuhan."

  Dalian xiaohuo

  Although temporarily closed, the city has not become an island. During the epidemic, countless stories of volunteers were born here. Among them, a young man from Dalian who experienced the trip of "Han Long" impressed everyone.

  In February of this year, Jiang Wenqiang, a young man from Dalian, wanted to take the high-speed train to Changsha, but he took the wrong carriage and came to Wuhan. Because the passage from Han was closed, he almost slept on the street and signed up as a volunteer in the First Hospital of Wuhan, and gradually overcame his inner fears and became the "Dalian" in the hospital.

  At the end of March, Jiang Wenqiang returned to his hometown with the Liaoning medical team that finished the task. Later, an epidemic broke out in Dalian, and he volunteered again, wearing protective clothing and becoming a volunteer. At the end of 2020, he concluded: "Volunteers are the identities that I will cherish all my life. Volunteer service is what I have to do all my life! "

  Zhong Meimei

  During the national fight against the epidemic, people were forced to be isolated at home, learn to make milk tea and steamed cakes with short videos, and order snail powder with live broadcasts. The video deeply intervened and changed everyone’s lives. Zhong Meimei, a 13-year-old boy, vividly imitated the teacher’s class and brought happiness to those days.

  God’s imitation and golden sentences made this "drama student" popular overnight, and he was crowded into his bedroom by onlookers, discussions, and many shots. A company directly gave him a signing invitation of one million. Finally, he and his family chose to refuse.

  At a recent event, Zhong Meimei said, "I am very lucky to be born in this era, so that everyone can see my performance and like me. This is the change of this era, and the surprise brought by the change. " He also said that he plans to be an actor in the future, and the most important thing is to finish college, because he doesn’t want to be an actor without cultural literacy.

  Ding Zhen

  Also because the short video burst into red and was watched by countless people, there was a Tibetan boy Ding Zhen.

  In the fear of netizens, this "sweet wild boy" will be contested by entertainment companies and make his debut in the draft. However, the local government beat him to it and signed him as an employee of Litang County Wenlv Investment and Development Co., Ltd. After that, Ding Zhen opened a Weibo, filmed a video and attended a promotion meeting, which quickly became a part of local cultural tourism promotion. It is the cultural tourism institutions in Sichuan, Tibet and even all over the country that compete for him.

  Ding really became popular by accident, but behind this, people saw the efforts made by Litang County for poverty alleviation over the years. In the past, Litang had a high altitude and poor conditions. Now, Litang has withdrawn from the poverty-stricken county sequence and is ready to welcome tourists from all over the world.

  In this series, everyone remembered Ding Zhen’s clear eyes and bright smile, the snowy plateau behind him and "Pony always runs first", and even remembered the name of Litang County. Originally, online celebrity can also have this way of opening.

  He jiaolong

  After Ding Zhen successfully brought goods for Litang, He Jiaolong, deputy head of Zhaosu County, Yili Kazakh Autonomous Prefecture, Xinjiang, was also angry. In a video, she wears a red cloak to ride a horse in the snow field, and speaks for local tourism projects, which is heroic and cool.

  In 2020, live broadcast with goods became the key word of consumption, and people found that more and more grassroots cadres also joined the ranks of anchors with goods. In fact, long before the video became popular, He Jiaolong began to appear for the live broadcast of local agricultural and sideline products, with sales exceeding 10 million yuan and reward income exceeding 1 million yuan, all of which were used for public welfare and charity.

  He Jiaolong said that he didn’t want to be a online celebrity. He only hoped that more people could get to know the beautiful Zhaosu through video, so that Zhaosu County could become the national "online celebrity" punching place and help the local agriculture and tourism development.

  Zhang guimei

  If we say that live broadcast with goods is to change the rural landscape through consumption, then the Huaping Girls’ High School where President Zhang Guimei is located is to change the fate of girls in poor mountainous areas with knowledge.

  Zhang Guimei, 63, has been committed to the education in the poor mountainous areas of western Yunnan for decades. She founded the first all-free high school for girls in China. In order to get girls into the school, she worked door to door. In order to urge them to get good grades in the exam, she only slept for a few hours every day because of various diseases … … In the past 12 years, more than 1,800 girls who might have dropped out of school have gone out of Dashan and Yuanmeng University.

  When asked "where is the value of this life", Zhang Guimei said: "Anyway, I saved a generation. No matter how much or how little, it is enough for them to live better than me and be happier than me. This is my greatest comfort. "

  "I was born to be a mountain rather than a stream. I want to look down on the mediocre ravine at the top of the peaks. I was born an outstanding person, not a dirt. I stand on the shoulders of great men and despise humble cowards. " This oath, whenever read, makes people respect.

  In 2020, there are still some people who will become online celebrity. They are not famous for their talent or beauty. Maybe you can’t remember their names, but they must have been moved and applauded by these pictures:

  In Wenzhou, Zhejiang Province, a couple of farmers danced their own "shuffle dance" in the field, and their smiles were very infectious. It turned out that Fan Deduo had suffered from depression due to a car accident, and his wife Peng Xiaoying took him to dance together, gradually getting out of the haze and finding happiness.

  In Lianyungang, Jiangsu Province, a traffic policeman saw the children crossing the road. After gesturing to the owner, he ran to the children with a big smile and escorted the children across the road. During this period, he bent down and opened his arms to protect the children.

  In Zhengzhou, Henan Province, a man slipped and fell into the Yellow River. At the critical moment, another man successfully intercepted the drowning man with a paddle. It turned out that the rescuer was a professional kayaker who retired five years ago due to injury. The whole rescue took only 27 seconds.

  In Binzhou, Shandong Province, a drunken man attacked pedestrians on the road with a knife and cut a girl’s neck. I saw a veteran rushing out with a long stick, quickly knocking out the knife in the man’s hand, and the neighbor with injured hand pulled an electric car to subdue the gangster.

  In Dalian, Liaoning Province, a blue delivery man tripped over the steel wire towed by the tanker and fell into a coma after hitting the pier. The yellow delivery man in the rear rushed into the sea of fire and dragged him out. He said that even if he was burned, he must save people, otherwise he would be very sorry in his life.

  In 2020, there are many stories of these ordinary people becoming popular. They help to clarify misunderstandings and correct stereotypes, bring happiness and warmth in times of anxiety, and stand up bravely in times of crisis. Even, they just show their real daily life in the most grounded way, which is worth standing in the center of the stage.

  Many years later, maybe someone will carefully write down the year of 2020, which will be a colorful page. While experiencing one magical story after another, we also see that there are many ordinary lights.

  Ordinary people can be online celebrity, ordinary people can become heroes, traffic can change their hometown and be used in a wider place, and the silent efforts on weekdays converge into the power to achieve a better life; In the predicament, countless small goodwill gathered together, which can let more people see hope.

  These seemingly atypical online celebrity will become a unique footnote in 2020. So they might as well come more! (End)