On April 26th, Cyrus was increased by 854,600 shares in Shanghai Stock Connect.

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2022 Black Bomb Officially Listed Great Wall Gun Shines at Qilu Auto Show

  On June 9th, the 45th Qilu International Automobile Exhibition and Trade Fair officially opened. Qilu Auto Show, as one of the important exhibitions in the central market, has a strong radiation influence. At this year’s auto show, the Great Wall Gun took two major categories, leisure and fashion business, and three models, 2022 black bullet, off-road gun trailer version and King Kong gun flat-bottomed container version, made a grand debut. Among them, the 2022 black bullet rejuvenation is listed, which is a 1-word scalp card model, and the official guide price is 248,800 yuan.

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2022 black bomb goes on the market.

  In May, the 300,000th vehicle of the Great Wall Gun was officially rolled off the assembly line. From zero to 300,000, the Great Wall Gun took only 2 years and 8 months, and once again demonstrated the "Great Wall Gun Speed", becoming the first high-end pickup truck brand in China to break through 300,000 sets, setting a new industry record.

  Designed for off-road players, 2022 black bombs were launched.

  In 2021, Great Wall Gun officially released the "Cannonball Plan", and together with excellent co-creation partners such as Yunliang, Dinghuo and Yuanda Shelby, it built the first co-creation and modification platform of China automobile brand, which is also the first professional, customized, personalized and ultimate user experience platform in China. Black bomb is the first product of this platform incubation. In view of the individual needs of deep cross-country and pan-outdoor players, Great Wall Gun and Yunliang Cross-country jointly developed, and after many revisions and demonstration tests, this "wilderness weapon" was created.

  At the auto show, the 2022 black bomb was launched. In terms of face value, the 2022 black bullet adopts the all-black body background color, which is only decorated with bright orange, which is very appropriate in the temperament of "low-key is not mediocre, high-profile is not unassuming".

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2022 Black Bomb

  What is even more surprising is that the 2022 black bullet chassis has been newly developed and upgraded, with stronger resistance, lighter weight, faster chassis response and worry-free handling. The whole vehicle is also equipped with professional K-MAN shock absorption and standard Bailuchi KO2 tires, which not only provides strong support and rebound suppression, but also enables people to "walk on the ground" in any environment, and can cope with all kinds of road conditions and easily meet various usage scenarios. Off-road hard core equipment is added. Thanks to part-time 4wd system, front and rear axle electronic differential system and WARN winch, the 2022 Black Bomb has a stronger ability to get out of trouble, and it can be easily hold in desert, Gobi, river beach or bog, enjoying the fun of off-road driving. In addition, the original factory comes with 2.5 tons of traction qualification, which can meet all kinds of traction needs and enjoy outdoor life.

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2022 Black Bomb

  The Great Wall Gun, which takes users as the center, will continue to create personalized customized models with upgraded performance, enhanced functions and unlimited expansion of scenes together with major modified brands, so as to meet the needs of pickup players and lead the development of pickup culture in China.

  Full scene pickup truck life Great Wall gun whole car layout trailer version

  As the pioneer of new pickup truck category, the leader of pickup truck culture and the leader of users’ co-creation, Great Wall Gun insists on category innovation and makes full efforts to take advantage of leisure and fashion business. Take the leisure category, and strive to meet the diversified and personalized needs of users, improve the quality of life of users around the world, and empower the pickup culture to develop upwards.

  At the auto show, as an all-terrain mass production off-road pickup truck — — The trailer version of the Great Wall gun off-road pickup truck is particularly eye-catching. In order to meet the diversified needs of users, at present, the whole car system of Great Wall Gun has been equipped with trailer models. The off-road gun trailer version is naturally powerful, with C6 driving towing qualification, equipped with 2.5 tons of towing qualification, a trailer with a reserved power outlet and a rear towing device, which can create infinitely expanding towing use scenarios, including towing motorcycles, Luya boats, RVs, motorboats, etc., which perfectly adapts to the whole scene of pickup truck life and allows users to enjoy the charm of pickup truck culture.

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Great wall gun off-road pickup trailer

  Empowering thousands of industries to create a car with people’s livelihood value.

  Great Wall Gun’s fashion and commercial products focus on building compact and medium-sized pickup trucks, and are committed to building a car of value and people’s livelihood for thousands of industries, helping users to have good business and a better life. King Kong Gun, which is positioned as a fashionable commercial pickup truck, is another global product of Great Wall Gun’s category innovation.

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King kong cannon

  King Kong Cannon has three kinds of containers to choose from: standard box, long box and flat bottom. No matter what "goods" they are, they can give you the right choice. In particular, the flat-bottomed container is "value-for-money, economical and fashionable". The horizontal inclination angle of the container is smaller than that of competing products, the rear of the container is not tilted, and the car posture is good; 1.82m ultra-long flat container, leading the same level, the effective loading of flat container is increased by 50%, and the square boxes and drums are placed casually. King Kong cannon also has a small turning diameter, which can easily cope with narrow road conditions and turn around and turn. Intimate container lighting, caring for everyone who races against the clock.

  King Kong Cannon is a high-value model based on the needs of users in the era of industrial interconnection. It is tempered to be rigid and has the quality of King Kong. It pays tribute to the strugglers in the new era with hard-core strength, empowers thousands of industries, expands new formats and innovates business together.

  At this year’s auto show, the Great Wall Gun also shared its understanding of the "climber spirit": the climber spirit is the spirit of pursuing dreams, and the Great Wall Gun has changed the commercial characteristics of pickup trucks, endowed them with the characteristics of riding, created a full-scene pickup truck life, and made pickup trucks have culture; Climbers need to challenge themselves mentally. Above 300,000, the Great Wall Gun will climb to a higher goal. The climber’s spirit needs cooperation and co-creation. The Artillery League Cheyouhui has 31 provincial teams, 800,000 fans of the Great Wall Gun APP and six pickup colleges. The Great Wall Gun has built a full-scale pickup truck life by co-creating, co-building and sharing with users, helping the diversified development of pickup trucks.

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Measure Everest

  Great Wall pickup truck has been the first in domestic sales and the first in export for 24 consecutive years. Ride the wind and waves, be steady and far-reaching. Standing on a new starting point of 300,000 units, Great Wall Gun will continue to exert its efforts in category innovation and user co-creation, write a new chapter in category innovation, practice the concept of global user co-creation and deepen global development. (Photo courtesy of the Great Wall pickup)

BYD’s new generation of Tang went on sale at 129,900 yuan.

On June 26th, BYD’s new generation Tang officially went on sale. The price range of fuel version was 129,900-169,900 yuan, and the price range of DM (dual-mode) version was 239,900-279,900 yuan.

A new generation of Tang adopted a new design concept in appearance design — — Designed by Dragon Face. This new design language, which combines Chinese and western industrial design aesthetics, is inspired by China’s traditional totem — — Dragon, supplemented by three key words of "impression", "technology" and "culture" as the core, finally formed a new design concept of "Dynasty car system". The integrated LED "double" seamless taillight design is another highlight of the new generation of Tang.

In terms of interior design, simple style is adopted. Among them, the 14.6-inch central control large screen that can rotate 90 degrees has naturally become the biggest highlight of the interior design of the whole vehicle. The screen can also adapt to the "horizontal and vertical" usage scenarios of smart phones. In addition, the new generation of Tang also provides DiLink intelligent network system, which supports various App downloads.

In terms of power, the new generation of Tang fuel version is equipped with a 2.0T turbocharged engine; The new generation Tang DM power system consists of a 2.0T turbocharged engine and a dual-drive motor.

In addition, the new generation of Tang EV (pure electric version) is expected to be launched at the end of 2018.

Great Wall reported BYD, what is the truth?

  Source: southern window.

  "There is a new Great Wall in the north and BYD in the south." At the new car launch in 2022, Li Ruifeng, CGO of the Great Wall, still described the relationship between his family and his friends and businessmen as "North Qiao Feng, South Murong", just like appreciate each other between heroes.

  But it didn’t arrive in a year, and North Qiao Feng gave South Murong a sneak attack.

  On the morning of May 25th, Great Wall Motor issued a statement saying that it had submitted materials to the Ministry of Ecology and Environment, the State Administration of Markets, and the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology, and reported that BYD Qin PLUS DM-i and Song PLUS DM-i used atmospheric fuel tanks, which were suspected of failing to meet the emission standards of evaporative pollutants from the whole vehicle.

On May 25th, Great Wall Motor issued a statement/Source: Great Wall Motor WeChat WeChat official account.

  A few hours later, BYD made a statement saying that it resolutely opposed any form of unfair competition and reserved the right to legal proceedings. BYD said that the test vehicle submitted by Great Wall did not meet the requirements of the national standard, and that its test report was invalid.

  One is the abdicated crown, and the other is the popular new king. The Great Wall’s tip-off letter to BYD, like a hero’s post widely distributed all over the world, made the auto market, which was already in dispute with blood and rain, stir up waves again.

  Report what?

  If you want to understand this matter deeply, you need to first interpret the core of the Great Wall report letter, that is, the problem that "the atmospheric oil tank is suspected of causing the evaporation pollutant discharge to fail to meet the standard".

  Generally speaking, ordinary cars can use an atmospheric fuel tank. The fuel in the atmospheric fuel tank is controlled by atmospheric pressure and can be delivered to the engine by gravity or fuel pump.

  This kind of oil tank is generally made of plastic and designed to work at atmospheric pressure. The internal and external environment are kept at the same pressure, and the positive pressure is 4~7Kpa.

  However, for some hybrid vehicles, high-pressure fuel tanks are needed for the sake of emission standards.

  Because compared with fuel vehicles, the engine of hybrid vehicles is not used frequently, and gasoline is very volatile. If it is not used often, it will accumulate a lot of oil and gas over time and easily escape.

  Don’t underestimate these vaporized gasoline. The data show that fuel evaporation emissions account for about 20% of light vehicle emissions, which is one of the important sources of air pollution. The "National Six" emission standard has strict requirements on the fuel evaporation control system of automobiles, which makes hybrid vehicles need to solve this problem.

  As a result, the high-pressure fuel tank came into being. In the high-pressure fuel tank which can bear pressure of 35~40Kpa, oil and gas will remain in the fuel tank under high pressure, and will enter the manifold through the carbon canister when the engine is running, thus reducing the emission of fuel evaporation.

  BYD Qin PLUS DM-i and Song PLUS DM-i belong to hybrid vehicles. Facing the emission demand, high-pressure fuel tanks may be needed to prevent oil and gas from escaping.

Qin PLUS DM-i/Source: BYD Auto official website

  After explaining the reporting point, let’s see if it is possible for BYD to use the atmospheric fuel tank.

  According to common sense, Great Wall Motor obviously has some evidence in its hands when it reports with such fanfare. In BYD’s response, it did not deny the use of atmospheric fuel tanks, explaining that the mileage of the test vehicles that focused on the Great Wall was insufficient, and it was the point that the test report was invalid.

  Due to the requirements of high-pressure fuel tanks for pressure resistance, the materials of such fuel tanks are mostly steel fuel tanks or encrypted plastics, and the matching fuel cap, fuel filling pipeline and evaporation pipeline also need to be specially made, and the cost is higher than that of atmospheric fuel tanks.

  From the point of cost reduction, BYD does have the motivation to use atmospheric fuel tanks.

  However, the hybrid vehicle using atmospheric fuel tank does not necessarily fail to meet the standard of fuel evaporative emission, which needs further testing and verification by relevant departments.

  The reason why BYD played "3,000 kilometers" actually has a saying.

  Qin PLUS DM-i and Song PLUS DM-i, as plug-in hybrid cars, have versions with a battery life of more than 100 kilometers. If you only run the "450-670 km" in BYD’s response, there is a high probability that a box of oil has not been run.

Song PLUS DM-i/ Source: BYD Auto official website

  If a tank of oil is not run out, the frequency of natural internal combustion engine is not high. If it is left standing for a period of time and not kept and sent for inspection within the specified time, the test results may be biased and cannot objectively reflect the emission values of vehicles.

  Therefore, just looking at the first round of confrontation, the Great Wall only hammered BYD’s "atmospheric fuel tank", but it was temporarily unable to hammer BYD’s emissions.

  Why today?

  There is an interesting detail in the tip-off. Great Wall reported BYD on April 11th, one and a half months earlier than May 25th.

  Why is it so late? Is it because the two sides have communicated beforehand? Or did the Great Wall ever think about keeping a low profile?

  Perhaps none of the above reasons, but more likely because BYD’s new car Song Pro DM-i Champion Edition is scheduled to be released on the afternoon of May 25th.

BYD's new car Song Pro DM-i champion trailer/Source: BYD Weibo

  On the day when the car was replaced, it was "disgusting" to have friends and businessmen, and the "sneak attack" of the Great Wall was well prepared.

  Hammer you, although it didn’t reach the so-called "filing" in the report letter, the invisible damage caused is really real. It will change consumers’ minds invisibly-that is, BYD’s products are controversial and may have the behavior of "cutting corners".

  Even if these things are proved to be untrue in the end, this cognitive change has caused a negative impression.

  It doesn’t matter if you have any questions. But it’s important for consumers to feel "you have a problem".

  The so-called business war is to attack the minds of consumers.

  Of course, BYD’s response is also very interesting.

BYD issued a statement/Source: BYD Auto official website

  The whole response, eight paragraphs, seven exclamation points, an average of nearly one paragraph. The last three paragraphs, or even a single sentence into paragraphs, each sentence has an exclamation point. Anger and grievances are almost overflowing.

  The last sentence is even more straightforward. "I hope everyone will do more things that are beneficial to the industry and the China brand!"

  The implication is that what Great Wall has done is harmful to both the industry and the China brand.

  Since you attacked first, don’t blame me for being rude.

  In the past, the hero cherished the hero’s "North-South Double Heroes", thus breaking away. This situation reminds people of the kind advice of a 69-year-old veteran comrade-Wulin should value peace, emphasize martial arts and not engage in infighting.

  Frankly speaking, last year’s metaphor of the Great Wall actually raised its own worth and secretly degraded BYD.

  Today’s China auto market is no longer the era when Haval H6 dominated the world. Although the Great Wall is still in the first echelon of auto companies, it is far behind by BYD.

  In 2022, BYD sold 1,863,500 new cars, with an operating income of 424.061 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 96.2%. The net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies was 16.622 billion, up 445.86% year-on-year.

  In contrast, the Great Wall sold only 1,061,700 new cars last year, with a total operating income of 137.34 billion yuan, a slight increase of 0.69% year-on-year; The net profit attributable to shareholders of listed companies was 8.266 billion yuan, a year-on-year increase of 22.90%.

  For BYD, 2022 is undoubtedly a bumper year. It has become the champion of its own brand, the champion of global new energy vehicles, and the champion of China automobile market, and it has won many "firsts".

On March 28th, BYD released its 2022 financial report/Source: BYD official.

  The Great Wall is still in a difficult transition in the switch between the old and new markets. The sales target of "1.9 million vehicles" set in 2022 was less than 60%. The sales of Haval, Wei Pai, Euler and pickup trucks under its control fell across the board, while the sales of new energy vehicles declined from 139,000 to 132,000 compared with the previous year.

  If you don’t want to describe them as Qiao Feng and Mu Rongfu, you have to change your position, and you have lost Mu Rongfu after Wang Yuyan.

  What I did was big brother

  Many people believe that BYD’s rise is based on new energy sources.

  This sentence is correct, but it is not detailed enough.

  Pure trams are new energy, and hybrid cars are also new energy. The most important thing about BYD’s strong rise in the past two years is that plug-in hybrid vehicles have gained wide market recognition.

  In 2021, BYD successively launched three models: Qin PLUS DM-i, Song PLUS DM-i and Tang DM-i, which achieved the coverage of the mainstream price range of 100,000-200,000.

BYD Dynasty Series/Source: BYD Auto official website

  As a result, in the second year, sales broke out. BYD sold 946,200 hybrid cars, accounting for 50.94% of the total sales. The sales volume of BYD Song PLUS DM-i alone was as high as 380,000.

  The same thing happened in the whole China market. In 2022, the sales growth rate of plug-in hybrid vehicles reached 150% year-on-year, and the growth rate of ultra-pure electric vehicles was 82%.

  Plug-in hybrid cars with green license, exemption from purchase tax, subsidy and electricity saving are the "wealth code" of China auto market.

  Great Wall Motor certainly saw through this. Although it started later than BYD, it soon joined the research and development of hybrid technology. In 2018, Great Wall Motor developed a new hybrid platform, which is now the lemon hybrid DHT system.

Great Wall Motor's lemon hybrid DHT system/source: Great Wall Motor WeChat WeChat official account

  However, consumers who know that "the Great Wall is also very mixed" are far from knowing that "BYD is very mixed". The reason is that the "coffee series" of the Great Wall really sells badly.

  On the one hand, the positioning of Macchiato DHT is slightly higher than that of Song PLUS DM-i, and the entry version is 20,000 yuan higher; On the other hand, the naming of "Macchiato" is controversial, which leads to its poor market recognition. In the end, due to the small sales volume, consumers can’t perceive the hybrid technology of the Great Wall, which makes the Great Wall lose its first-Mover advantage.

  If this technology had been devolved to Haval H6 earlier, it is likely that the current SUV hybrid market is by no means a monopoly of Song Plus DM-I.

Macchiato DHT/Source: Great Wall Motor WeChat WeChat official account

  The former Haval H6, which has won the championship for 100 consecutive months, is a well-deserved "magic car" in China. Until January of 2022, Haval H6 was still the dominant player in SUV field.

  Unfortunately, it was not until mid-August of 2022 that the mixed version of Haval H6 came late. At this time, the sales volume of H6 has fallen to the fifth place, and not only Song PLUS has surpassed it, but also Yuan PLUS has surpassed it.

  The failure to grasp the mixed outlet is an important reason why the Great Wall is now trapped in transformation and its sales volume has fallen sharply. I want to make the brand high-end and new energy at the same time, and finally the Great Wall of "one fish and two meals" failed to do both things well. Looking back, this is undoubtedly a strategic mistake of the Great Wall.

Haval H6/Source: Great Wall Motor WeChat WeChat official account

  Although there are many consumers who sing the Great Wall, from the market value point of view, Great Wall Motor with a volume of 210 billion+is still the "second brother" after BYD.

  This time, the "second brother" challenged the "big brother". Although it is somewhat embarrassing, it is also the norm in business competition.

  Aboveboard peer supervision also protects the interests of consumers to some extent. If there is unfair competition, I believe that the relevant institutions will eventually give the enterprise an innocence and give a statement after verification.


Chery’s sales in August were released: the whole department sold well, and the new Tiggo broke 80,000.

  Recently, Chery Group released an August sales report. In August, Chery Group sold 65,200 vehicles, up 33.2% from the previous month and 5.4% from the same period last year. Among them, the sales volume of self-owned brand models was 52,000 units, up 23.1% from the previous month and 3.8% from the same period last year.

  From January to August this year, Chery Group sold a total of 439,000 vehicles, including 378,000 vehicles of its own brand, up 5.9% year-on-year. Since the beginning of this year, the market share of Chery products has continued to increase. In July, the independent market share reached 4.27%, and 29 provinces achieved positive growth year-on-year, 56 cities doubled year-on-year, and 270 cities experienced positive growth year-on-year.

  In terms of specific products, Chery’s two star cars, Tiggo and Arrizo, performed well. The sales volume of Tiggo SUV series was 21,081, of which the sales volume of the new generation Tiggo 8 was 10,340, up 11.9% from the previous month and 43.9% from the same period last year. Tiggo 5x sold 6,320 vehicles, up 51.7% from the previous month and 57.1% year-on-year. Arrizo series cars sold 8712 cars, of which the new Arrizo 5 sold 4600 cars and the Arrizo GX sold 4112 cars.

  In the case of the overall decline of the domestic auto market, Chery Automobile can maintain the continuous growth of sales, thanks to the steady improvement in products, quality and channels.

  System support product strength has been greatly improved.

  Based on the perfect system capability and abundant technology accumulation, in recent years, the iteration speed of Chery’s new products and the upgrading speed of its old products have been significantly accelerated. Tiggo SUV series and Arrizo series products have been fully upgraded in design (modeling, appearance and interior decoration), power, intelligent networking and intelligent driving technology, including the third-generation engine, "Lion Zhiyun" intelligent networking system, intelligent assisted driving and other leading technologies, and their competitiveness has been greatly improved.

  Taking the new generation of Tiggo 8 as an example, it is equipped with Chery’s third-generation ACTECO 1.6TGDI in-cylinder direct injection turbocharged engine, and its power performance level has achieved a qualitative leap; At the same time, for the first time, it was equipped with dozens of super smart configurations, including full-speed ACC adaptive cruise system including L2 intelligent assisted driving, APA automatic parking, LKA lane keeping, etc., which were very popular among young consumers. After three months of listing, sales continued to climb, and sales in August successfully exceeded 10,000.

  A new generation of Tiggo 8

  Ariza GX Pro

  Improve quality and catch up with the level of joint venture brands in an all-round way.

  In recent years, by strengthening the construction of total quality management system, Chery has effectively guaranteed the quality of new products, including the new generation of Tiggo 8, Tiggo 5x, Arrizo GX PRO, Arrizo 5 PRO and other new products, which are in the forefront of the industry in terms of product design, performance and reliability. At present, the 3MIS IPTV(3 of Chery’s new products has far exceeded the industry average and the level of some mainstream joint venture brands.

  In the "2019 New Car Quality Survey Report" released by J.D.Power not long ago, Chery reached the average level of international brands with 92 points, and the brand ranking was 26 places higher than last year.

  At the just-concluded national TQM promotion and the 40th anniversary of the founding of china association for quality, Chery Automobile Co., Ltd. was awarded the title of "Outstanding Promotion Unit for the 40th Anniversary of TQM Promotion" and "Annual National Quality and Technology Progress Award", and Chery’s "Seeking Truth from Facts QC Team" was awarded the title of "National Excellent Quality Management Team".

  Channel promotion online and offline comprehensive empowerment

  After entering 2019, Chery further improved the channel quality and formulated a first-level network to improve quality; The secondary network ensures the vertical penetration of the "super deep-sea plan", and the network scale has risen steadily. Up to now, the scale of Chery’s first network has stabilized at 500, and the scale of the second network has reached 1300. The dealers of the new network have grown rapidly, which has strongly supported the sales growth.

  At the same time, Chery is also actively testing new retail models, cooperating with many new auto retail platforms, integrating customers’ big data, artificial intelligence and other resources, and actively improving users’ car purchase experience. In August this year, Tiggo 7i officially landed in Tmall and participated in the "Tmall 99" event. Consumers can make an appointment to pick up the car at the nearest Chery store by paying the deposit online through Tmall platform, and experience the new car purchase service model jointly built by Chery and Tmall, making the whole car purchase process more efficient and convenient.

  In September, in order to thank the friends who have trusted Chery for many years, Chery specially launched the golden autumn car purchase preferential activities for consumers all over the country. During the event, all the designated models such as the new generation Tiggo 8, Tiggo 5x HERO, Arrizo GX Pro and Arrizo 5 Pro can enjoy high discounts. Among them, the new generation of Tiggo 8 can enjoy a maximum replacement subsidy of 10,000 yuan, and the Arrizo series can enjoy 0 down payment, 0 interest rate and 0 waiting time limit.

  In this golden September, silver and ten automobile industry sales season, driven by product upgrading, quality improvement and channel improvement, as well as the release of a series of preferential policies, it is believed that Chery Automobile will continue to maintain the momentum of contrarian growth and become the backbone of China automobile brand.?

Lei Jun personally experienced Xiaomi SU7! Watch unlock, auto-flip dashboard cool

Fast technology January 19 news, a few days ago, Xiaomi CEO Lei Jun released a video, personally taking everyone to immerse themselves in Xiaomi’s first car Xiaomi SU7.

As you can see,Lei Jun unlocked the vehicle through Xiaomi Watch, and at the same time, the tail wing also rose synchronously, which was very handsome.

After Lei Jun enters Xiaomi SU7 and starts, the main driver’s seat will be automatically adjusted to the memory position. The advantage of this function is that it is convenient to get on and off.

Xiaomi SU7 is also equipped with a dashboard that supports automatic flipping.Support to display total mileage, gear, driving mode and total energy consumption.

Finally, Lei Jun also demonstrated the head-up display function in the car, which can display information such as remaining power, speed and navigation.

The watch is unlocked, the tail wing is automatically raised, the main driver is automatically adjusted, and the dashboard is automatically turned over. It must be said that these processes in one go have already filled the sense of ceremony before Xiaomi SU7 runs.

It is worth mentioning that some netizens sincerely asked Lei Jun in the comment area: Will there be Redmi cars? ".

In this regard, Lei Jun replied: At present, we are still focusing on Xiaomi Automobile. "

Lei Jun personally experienced Xiaomi SU7! Watch unlock, auto-flip dashboard cool

It is understood that the first models of Xiaomi SU7 will be equipped with Xiaomi super motors V6 and V6s, with a speed of up to 21,000 rpm, and adopt a new super 800V silicon carbide high-voltage platform developed by Xiaomi, with a maximum voltage of up to 871V V.


Bourne Optics | Empowering Xiaomi 14 Pro Perception Experience "Full Leap-forward Upgrade"


On October 26th, at the Xiaomi new product launch conference, Xiaomi 14 Pro was officially released in the long-awaited event. The performance, image and quality of congruent-depth micro-curved screen, Xiaomi Longjing glass, Leica optical summilux lens and the third-generation Snapdragon 8 mobile platform have been comprehensively upgraded by leaps and bounds, and the comprehensive strength has gone further. The new products have lived up to the expectations of rice noodles and brought the charm of high-end flagship to the extreme.

Outstanding appearance of technological innovation

As the main supplier of glass back cover and metal middle frame of Xiaomi 14 Pro series mobile phones, Bourne Optics has always played an outstanding role, and together with Xiaomi, it has created a high-end flagship machine with amazing face value and extraordinary performance!


Xiaomi 14 Pro has three colors: white, black and rock blue. Bourne Optics exclusively supplies Xiaomi 14 Pro black and rock blue back cover. The black back cover is the first brand-new sandblasting AG process developed and designed by Bourne Optics and Xiaomi. Let the glass backboard keep the silky and delicate touch, at the same time, it has the graininess of frosting, and when it is turned lightly, it reveals a little luster, making each light soft and stable.


The new design concept and new technology require extremely strict parameters. Bourne Optics set up a special project team to tackle the research and development with customers, and conducted analysis and verification for more than two months and rounds, ranging from the whole process design to the accurate 1 second time difference and 1 temperature difference, giving each color a high-definition beauty.

The beauty of science and technology tends to the extreme.

Xiaomi 14 Pro’s unique and innovative technology optimizes the multi-layer stress of the panel, and the four sides and corners are bent in equal depth to form a beautiful arc. Light up the screen and have a borderless vision; Hold it in your hand and bring a cobblestone touch.


Paris nail deco shines with exquisite charm.

The brand-new Leica optical Summilux lens is adopted. The lens module is designed as a rounded rectangle, the top of the metal ring is treated with Paris nail pattern, and the side surface is polished, which is visually unified with the camera module on the back. The middle frame is a right angle without radian, which makes the whole fuselage look more tough and stylish.


Elegant and light design of high strength aluminum alloy metal middle frame

The biggest highlight of Xiaomi 14 Pro this time is the use of high-strength aluminum alloy metal middle frame, and the introduction of high-brightness anodized surface treatment process to make the sense and feel better. As the main supplier of the metal middle frame of Xiaomi 14 Pro mobile phone, Bourne Optics cooperated with Xiaomi team to carve every detail carefully, put forward more than 20 verification schemes, and developed and verified 100 polishing consumables (sponge sand, polishing wheel, polishing wax, polishing skin, polishing liquid and anti-corrosion liquid) for five months, finally locking the current polishing process. With strong R&D and precision manufacturing capabilities to overcome difficulties, every opening of the metal frame is smooth and delicate, and the simple lines perfectly fit the textured back cover, making Xiaomi 14 Pro exquisite and eye-catching.


Join hands to explore more exciting

From 2012 to 2023, Bourne Optics and Xiaomi started in-depth cooperation, established a joint laboratory and created a number of classic products. The successful application of new technologies and processes on Xiaomi 14 Pro at this conference has become another milestone in the cooperation between the two parties. In the future, Bourne Optics will continue to strengthen its independent innovation capability, continue to develop high-tech technologies, and explore more wonderful things together with Xiaomi with exquisite manufacturing technology.

How much does the new Mercedes-Benz E300 Deluxe Edition cost? Does it have many shortcomings? This article will give you the answer.

Mercedes-Benz E-Class is a traditional luxury medium-sized and large-sized car product. For Biao and Audi a6l, its unique brand advantages and extreme luxury attributes have made it deeply recognized by consumers, with an average monthly sales volume of more than 13,000, which is in a strong competitive position in this market segment.

Mercedes-Benz e300l luxury design atmosphere, strong business atmosphere, the front shield-shaped mesh is quite eye-catching, two bar-type led light groups are shiny and recognizable, and the erected three-pointed star logo is also noble and elegant, which can always give people a strong psychological hint. The side is slender and smooth, the lines are smooth and sexy, the rear tail is sexy and stocky, the bilateral double exhaust is quite graded, and the overall face value is remarkable, which is a small S-class.

In terms of power, e300l is equipped with a 2.0t high-powered version, 190 kW, 370 Nm, equipped with a 9-speed manual, with a zero-hundred-speed score of about 6.6 seconds, which makes the acceleration feel smooth and calm at the beginning, and at the same time, the latter part is full of confidence and orderly shift logic, which is always indifferent and comfortable to drive, and can raise the speed to a very high level unconsciously.

In terms of structure, the training style is still very comfortable, the bumps on the road are handled in place, and there is not much impact when taking some bad roads. Driving is particularly heavy and advanced, which will definitely bring people the highest level of enjoyment, which is in line with the level that this level should have.

In terms of selling price, the official guide price of the 2019 Mercedes-Benz e300l Deluxe Edition is 492,800, with a preferential margin of about 40,000. The transaction price of the bare car at the terminal is 452,800, including 40080 purchase tax, 480 travel tax, 950 compulsory insurance, 12,299 commercial insurance and 500 licensed cars, totaling about 507,200.

Car experience:

Most satisfied with fashion and youth, cool atmosphere lights and a sense of science and technology in off the charts! 9-speed automatic transmission, almost no frustration!

The most dissatisfied with the sound effect is just so-so. The original car’s own sound is really lame, not as loud as Berlin’s.

[Space] The space in the front row of my 176 is quite large. There is not much horizontal space for two people. Three people are not very comfortable. From driving to now, I have only gone home for the Spring Festival, and I have been full of company group tours. Basically, I am alone.

[Power] The power is smooth between 234 gears, and occasionally, there will be some setbacks in oil collection.

[Control] Control is general, and this owner plays.

[Comfort] The front seat is comfortable and the rear seat is short.

[Appearance] I bought a sports label with pearl white. I feel very young. In fact, I am already young.

[Interior] Family-style design is adopted, just like driving an S. Due to the hasty booking of a car, the car comes with a black interior, which is a little depressing, but quite resistant to dirt.

[Cost-effective] If people like me don’t pay attention to performance, people who look at their eyes will buy a car of around 500,000, which is still very good.

Provided by the author

The drone postman appeared in the mountainous area of Guiyang and needed to change batteries when flying to every village.

  Since the beginning of January this year, residents of Weicheng Town, Guiyang City, located in the mountainous area of Guizhou Province, have often seen a drone shuttle through the town. Under the belly of the plane, there was a box with the words "China Post". The local people later learned that this drone was used by the post office in the town to deliver mail to the surrounding mountain villages. Beijing Youth Daily reporter learned from the local post office on the 15th that this drone now flies twice a week, and it will be promoted if it works well in the future.

  Postman part-time drone operator

  On the morning of 15th, Wang Hua, a staff member of Weicheng Post Sub-bureau in Guiyang, took his drone to an open space near the town, and prepared to deliver newspapers and some mails to five villages around the town.

  Wang Hua is a postman. He used to ride a motorcycle to deliver mail to several surrounding villages three times a week. Because the mountain road is rugged, although the distance is not far, it takes a whole day to deliver it every time. Since the beginning of January this year, Wang Hua has added a new task, which is to operate drones to transport mail.

  "Our economy is not developed here. Many people have never seen drones, so many people gathered around to see them when they first started flying. Some old people asked us about the timetable for flying drones and came to see them several times." Wang Hua said.

  Wang Hua said that he is driving a drone, but in fact the main operation is not done by him. He is mainly responsible for loading mail on the drone and then checking the battery. The flight route has long been set by the company that developed the drone. All he has to do is scan the QR code on the plane with his mobile phone, and then click the start button on the mobile phone, and the plane can fly according to the pre-designed route.

  "It used to take a whole day to send the mail from these villages by motorcycle. Now the whole route is flown by drones, which is more than an hour." Wang Hua said.

  Flying to every village requires changing batteries.

  Director Chen Zhongxiang of Weicheng Post Sub-office told the reporter of Beiqing Daily that at present, there is only one drone in the town post office, and they selected five villages, namely Yingyan, Yinqiao, Maixiang, Xingguang and Lianhua Temple, as delivery pilots. Chen Zhongxiang said that these villages were chosen because they are relatively remote, and it takes too long and the road is dangerous to send mail into the village by manpower.

  Chen Zhongxiang said that the UAV they are using now has a diameter of more than 1 meter and six propellers. In theory, it can carry about 7 kilograms of goods. However, for safety reasons, the stipulated delivery weight is no more than 5 kilograms, and the flying distance between villages is about 10 minutes. Every time you fly to a village, you need people from the village to help replace the new battery, and then you can fly to the next village. The whole journey is a "relay" process.

  "The plane must be fully charged before it can take off. The last time we saw the power of the plane was 82%, we felt that we could complete a flight, but after the start, the plane still could not take off. This may be the design made by the aircraft research and development enterprise for the absolute safety of the aircraft." Chen Zhongxiang said.

  Temporarily unable to replace manual delivery.

  According to the staff of the UAV R&D company, when the plane lands, it needs to lay a red and blue positioning carpet at the landing site. The UAV is equipped with a sensor in the vertical direction. When it searches for the positioning carpet, it will land accurately. Location.

  Chen Zhongxiang told the reporter of Beiqing Daily that it was not the decision of the town post office to equip the town post office with drones, but the higher authorities chose the Weicheng post office as a pilot. If the use effect is good in the future, it will continue to be promoted.

  "Many people in the village felt particularly fresh when they saw the plane at first, and the people in charge of managing the plane in each village also had a WeChat group. When the plane took off and landed, everyone would inform each other."

  Annabelle of Xingguang Village Committee is one of the managers of this drone. Every time he receives the mail from his village, he also needs to replace the plane with a new battery. "If the battery is not fully charged, the plane can’t fly, but there will definitely be no forgetting to charge the battery. Everyone will remind each other when they have WeChat groups."

  Chen Zhongxiang said that in the past, the postman of the post office had to go into the mountain three times a week, but now it has been reduced to twice a week, while the drone now flies twice a week. If the effect is good in the future, it will increase the flight frequency. "But due to the limitation of load, drones can’t completely replace the postman now, and everywhere they go, they need people to get express delivery for batteries. There are still some troubles. It would be nice if these jobs can be replaced by machines in the future."

  Text/reporter Fu Wei

Li Jiaqi once again brought goods to Huaxizi: the results were not as good as last year, and the sales volume was still good.

On October 24th, after the incident of eyebrow pencil in 79 yuan, the live broadcast room in Li Jiaqi broadcasted Huaxizi with goods again after 43 days. However, Li Jiaqi himself did not appear to explain the product of Huaxizi, and the controversial ace product Huaxizi eyebrow pencil did not appear in the live broadcast list. According to Time Finance, Hua Xizi’s performance in the live broadcast room in Li Jiaqi is still good, but compared with last year, it is much worse.

I and the disputed eyebrow pencil did not appear.

In the list of products with goods in Li Jiaqi Live Studio, there are three products owned by Hua Xizi, namely, a combination suit of 357 yuan, a powder cake of 149 yuan and honey powder of 129 yuan. According to Time Finance, at 8 pm, the live broadcast room in Li Jiaqi exceeded 10 million people. After the countdown was displayed on the screen, the gongs and drums in Li Jiaqi’s hand were sounded, and the pre-sale of Tmall "double 11" officially kicked off this year.

As soon as the live broadcast was started, more than 7,000 pieces, 3,000 pieces and 300 groups of Huaxizi air honey powder, Yurong gauze powder cake and water hibiscus in the Li Jiaqi live broadcast room had been booked respectively. At 8: 02, more than 20,000 pieces, 9,000 pieces and 1,000 pieces of three groups of products were ordered respectively. The figures will change every few minutes. By 10: 30 pm, the pre-sales of the above three groups of products exceeded 70,000, 3,000 and 30,000 respectively. According to Red Net, as of 11: 30 p.m. on 24th, the amount of honey powder with a price of 129 yuan for Huaxizi has exceeded 80,000 orders, the amount of powder cake with a price of 149 yuan has exceeded 30,000 orders, and the combined set with a price of 357 yuan has exceeded 3,000 orders, totaling more than 110,000 orders.

Although Hua Xizi’s performance in the live broadcast room in Li Jiaqi is still good, compared with last year, it is much worse. According to previous media reports, at 9: 00 pm on October 24th, 2022, the colored powder cake of Huaxizi Yurongsha was first released in the live broadcast room in Li Jiaqi. After only 15 minutes on the shelves, 250,000 colored powder cakes were sold out. According to Time Finance’s analysis, in addition to the previous storm, the sales volume of Hua Xizi was affected, and this sales performance may be related to the fact that Hua Xizi did not appear in the prime time of the live broadcast room in Li Jiaqi this year. According to Red Net, as of 11: 30 pm on the 24th, the number of viewers in the live broadcast room in Li Jiaqi was still at 10 million+.

The controversial ace product Hua Xizi eyebrow pencil did not appear in the live broadcast list. According to Time Finance, in the live broadcast room of Huaxi’s official flagship store, the anchor said that the eyebrow pencil "double 11" activity had not been announced. In the live commentary area, some netizens said bluntly: "I will never buy it again, which is really sad" and "How dare he"; However, some netizens said: "Although I am not interested in Hua Xizi, I am still interested in the things in the live broadcast room in Li Jiaqi."

Hua Xizi deeply binds Li Jiaqi.

Earlier, on September 10th, when Li Jiaqi introduced a Huaxizi Eyebrow Pencil in 79 yuan, he saw a message from a netizen saying it was expensive, and replied that 79 yuan Eyebrow Pencil could not be bought because he didn’t work hard enough. At the same time, it was exposed that 79 yuan Eyebrow Pencil was only 0.08 grams more expensive than gold, which led the netizens to think that Li Jiaqi despised ordinary people, created anxiety and inflated commodity prices.

In the early morning of September 11th, Li Jiaqi posted a blog post apologizing, and released an apology video on the evening of the same day, saying that his inappropriate remarks disappointed everyone, and he would also reflect on why he started in the first place and how he could serve more girls. Thank you again for your criticism and supervision. However, many netizens said that they "don’t buy it" for Li Jiaqi’s apology, and joked "Where ‘ Li ’ Wrong? " According to Xinmin Evening News, before the eyebrow pencil incident in 79 yuan, the number of fans in Weibo, Li Jiaqi was 30.435 million. By 11: 00 on October 24th, the number of fans was 28.747 million, and the number of fans dropped by over 1.68 million.

According to the International Finance News, four years ago, Hua Xizi announced Li Jiaqi as the chief recommender of the brand. At that time, this little-known brand was established only two years ago. With the help of the flow of "lipstick brother", the sales of Huaxizi reached 1.13 billion yuan that year, which was 25 times higher than that of 2018. The deep binding between the two parties began in 2019. According to the magic mirror data, the sales of Huaxizi’s star product, carved lipstick, increased by 165% month-on-month after it was promoted by Li Jiaqi multi-platform in May of that year. On the battlefield of "double 11", Hua Xizi never missed the live studio in Li Jiaqi from the pre-sale stage, and with the help of Li Jiaqi’s strong ability to carry goods, he won 220 million yuan GMV for the first time in the war and became the second place in domestic beauty cosmetics.

Around the "double 11" in that year, the live broadcast room in Li Jiaqi contributed 64% of the total turnover of Huaxizi. In June, 2022, Li Jiaqi stopped broadcasting for some reason. During the "June 18th Promotion" period, the sales of Huaxizi, who lost Li Jiaqi, dropped to 150 million yuan from 263 million yuan in the previous year. According to shanghai securities news, the founder of Huaxizi once said in public that their cooperation with Li Jiaqi is Live Delivery 2.0, that is, inviting anchors to create products together. Some insiders revealed: "As long as this product Li Jiaqi says no, it will not pass."

After the eyebrow pencil dispute, Li Jiaqi gradually withdrew

Although Li Jiaqi still has a long way to go to quell doubts and rebuild trust, compared with Hua Xizi who was involved in the storm by his inappropriate remarks, as the starting point of the storm, he seems to have gradually withdrawn from the continuous controversy.

According to previous poster news reports, on September 26th, Li Jiaqi was carrying goods live on Taobao on the night when Hua Xizi’s crazy public relations sparked heated discussion. At the beginning of the storm, a large number of netizens flocked to the live broadcast room in Li Jiaqi to denounce it. Then, there were few questioning voices in the comment area, and the live broadcast room seemed to have returned to its former order. At 21: 42 on September 26th, the poster journalist entered the Taobao live room in Li Jiaqi, when he was carrying lipstick of Mao Geping brand, and the number of viewers in the live room was 7.146 million.

Li Jiaqi live room once again brought goods to Hua Xizi User: It seems that Li Jiaqi really has a good relationship with Hua Xizi.

According to the International Finance News, the third season of the self-made variety "All Girls’ OFFER" produced by US ONE arrived as scheduled, showing the process of "negotiation" between Li Jiaqi and major beauty brands, which greatly promoted the upcoming "double 11". Janice (pseudonym), a well-known MCN organization engaged in beauty cosmetics vertical operation, said in an interview with the International Finance News that the Li Jiaqi incident had no impact on her MCN organization. "No matter what, the brand will still come to us for cooperation."

An insider of ONE told reporters that after the incident, the company’s publicity scale during the "double 11" period may be reduced, but "the traffic brought by the live broadcast room in Li Jiaqi is still very large." It is blunt that in the past few years, US ONE has established a large-scale system from product selection to after-sales improvement, and it still has advantages in the field of live e-commerce. "Especially after public relations, the trend of public opinion has become ‘ I don’t care about the anchor, anyway, as a consumer, it is good to buy a cheap and cost-effective product ’ 。” However, in the view of Wang Tian (pseudonym), a business practitioner of a live broadcast room in online celebrity, Tik Tok, if the live broadcast room in Li Jiaqi accounts for a large proportion of the brand’s performance planning of Taobao platform, after the storm, the brand may avoid risks by reducing the frequency of cooperation with Li Jiaqi and increasing the number of people to broadcast. "In the long run, the brand will expand other options besides super anchor. They also have their own plans and will not bet on one person. "

Upstream news is integrated from The Paper, Xinmin Evening News, International Finance News, Red Net, shanghai securities news, etc.